
news/2024/4/29 12:56:08/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/universsky2015/article/details/127383233


在本文中,我将尝试为您提供清洁代码的实用方法。我不会深入理论,我想展示我是如何编写 Clean Code的。




必须谈论罗伯特·C·马丁(Robert C. Martin)在 2008 年写的同名书。但是在本书第一次发布之前,有更多的书籍和经验丰富的开发人员讨论了类似的概念。


  • 它很重要,至少与性能、涵盖功能、避免错误等其他概念一样重要……

  • 任何开发人员都很容易阅读。

  • 任何开发人员都可以轻松修改.

  • 它是由关心它的人写的。

  • 它做了预期的事情。代码不会骗你,没有惊喜。



当我们编码时,我们习惯于花更多时间(更多时间)阅读代码而不是编写代码。我们阅读了遗留代码、库代码、您的团队成员代码、您几个月前编写的代码(您不记得了)、离开公司的人编写的代码、Stack Overflow 中的代码……Robert Martin 对此给出了一些数字:

“事实上,阅读与写作的时间比例远远超过 10 比 1”——Robert C. Martin,Clean Code










  • 使用意图暴露的名称:







  • 1、第一条规则是基本且容易记住的:函数应该做一件事,它们应该做好并且应该只做。此处无需过多解释:避免副作用,如果您注意到它们同时在做几件事,请拆分您的函数。

  • f999ed9ad43c4e2819cd2edd37bf3703.png

  • 2、函数要小而美。好的,但是它们应该有多短?如何测量它?让我们强制我们的函数有不超过 2 级的缩进。如果这对您来说很难,您可以开始设置更高的限制(例如 3 个级别),但请限制您允许的缩进级别。

  • 3、关于参数......函数的参数越少,它就越干净。为什么?争论需要大量的上下文知识。在每次调用中,读者必须有上下文来理解每个参数。更多论点→更多您需要了解的上下文。从测试的角度来看,争论也很难。更多参数,更多测试用例,以确保所有参数组合正常工作。


当我在 90 年代学习编码时,我的老师曾经要求我到处写评论。通常听到他们说“如果你不评论你的代码,我就不会纠正你的考试…… ”。这些注释的目的是使我们的代码更易于阅读。这也是我们在编写 Clean Code 时的一个目标,但也许注释并不是实现它的最佳方式。

“评论弥补了我们无法用代码表达自己的不足。评论总是失败”——Robert C. Martin,Clean Code




  • 避免使用注释来解释变量。相反,为这个变量选择一个好名字,你就不需要注释了

  • 避免使用注释来解释功能。相反,强制你的函数只做一件事,有几个参数,并为它和它的参数选择一个好名字,你不需要注释




所以,一般来说,避免使用注释来解释代码。而且,因为您将使用 GIT 或任何其他分布式版本控制系统,请避免注释掉的代码(删除它!)、署名和署名,以及这类东西。


  • 法律意见

  • 所有评论

  • 放大代码中某事的重要性或具体决定的原因

  • 公共 API 中的强制注释(JavaDocs,……)(但是,在非公共代码中避免这种情况……不要强迫团队对所有类的所有功能进行注释!!!)


正如我之前所说,我将仅评论一些原则,以对清洁代码理论有一个基本的了解。所以,这些只是关于清洁代码的一些最基本的想法。如果您觉得它们很有趣并且想了解更多信息,请在网上寻找更多资源,或者直接阅读 Martin 的书。





所以,这里的关键字可以是 Refactor。一个好的方法是编写代码而不用过多担心清洁度,然后,当我们让代码做我们想做的事情时,用重构来清理它。




  • 更改算法

  • 用另一种类型的循环替换

  • 提升一段代码的性能


  • 将一段代码提取到一个函数中

  • 重命名事物

  • 将几个函数提取到一个新类。

  • 创建一个常量来存储硬编码值





  • 测试:出于多种原因,我们应该对我们的代码进行良好的自动化测试。但很明显,这将有助于我们在不破坏任何东西的情况下进行重构。每次重构后,您可以检查所有测试是否仍为绿色。我不会在这篇文章中写关于测试的内容,也许以后会再写一篇。如果你不知道测试,你应该。网络上有很多信息。如果你不知道从哪里开始,问我:)。


  • 重构工具:现代 IDE 具有自动执行一些最常见的重构操作的工具。如果我们使用它们,我们将减少在更改代码时破坏某些东西的可能性。我将在本文末尾介绍它们;)。



  • 编写代码

  • 编写测试

  • 重构

而且不一定按这个顺序。您可以使用 TDD 进行开发,在这种情况下,您将在代码之前编写测试。但无论如何,每次你有一段工作代码时,你都应该重构。换句话说:您应该在每个周期结束时进行重构。而且这些周期应该很小。



对于本附录,我选择了一个我很熟悉的 IDE,例如JetBrains 的 IntelliJ for Java。但是您将能够在您用于首选语言的 IDE 中找到此类工具。如果没有,也许你应该尝试另一个 IDE。


可能最简单的重构工具是 Rename。您有一个名称不喜欢的实体,并且您想更改它。当然,您可以手动编辑它......但这不会是微不足道的,因为这个实体可以在很多地方使用。



因为它是一个类,所以我应该在很多潜在的地方更改Input 标识符。手动,我应该寻找所有这些。但是我们有重命名重构工具:






  1. 我有这段代码,它是我想要重构的一个非常大的函数的一部分。我认为其中一些行正在做一些独特的事情,可能是一个私有函数。所以我决定提取。

  2. 868cc5ca31adffc2db970c0686e4af40.png

  3. 2.我使用提取方法工具。这个工具为我提供了几个关于新方法将如何发展的选项:


3. 现在代码被提取到一个方法中,这里我们有调用。该工具将负责创建方法、移动代码并通过一次调用更改我们拥有相同代码的所有位置(因为它会找到重复项)。



有许多重构工具可用于您可以用来重构代码的最常见操作。谈到 IntelliJ Idea,我们可以查看有关代码重构的文档,或者您可以查找您首选 IDE 的文档。我鼓励您发现 IDE 中的所有重构工具并使用它们来了解它们的工作原理以及您是否发现它们有用。






  • 给你。如果您已经走到了这一步,非常感谢您阅读我的帖子。

Clean Code — A practical approach

After giving some talks about Clean Code I have decided to summarize the most important things in an article. Because there is a lot of posts and information in the net about Clean Code, I think that a new article talking about it simply explaining some the principles is not going to be very worthy.

In this article I will try to give you a practical approach to Clean Code. I will not go deep into the theory, I want to show how I write Clean Code.

Drawing: I want to clean code!

I want t̷o̷ ̷b̷r̷e̷a̷k̷ ̷f̷r̷e̷e my code clean!

What is Clean Code and why should we care?

Origin and a definition

It’s mandatory to talk about the book written by Robert C. Martin in 2008 with the same name. But there are more books and experienced developers talking about similar concepts before the first release of the book.

I have built a kind of definition of Clean Code joining the opinions of several authors and sources and what I get is that Clean Code has these features:

It is important, at least as important as other concepts like performance, cover the functionality, avoid bugs, …

It is easy for any developer to read.

It is easy for any developer to modify.

It was written by someone who cares it.

It does what is expected. The code does not fool you, no surprises.

Why you should write clean code

I really believe that writing Clean Code is important because it’s the first step to cover the main goal of any architecture: minimize the human effort needed to create and maintain the required system.

When we are coding, we use to spend more time (much more time) reading code than writing. We read legacy code, libraries code, your team mates code, code written by you several months ago (that you don’t remember), code written by someone who left the company, code in Stack Overflow… Robert Martin puts some numbers to this:

“Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1” — Robert C. Martin, Clean Code

Taking this in consideration, is not it worth a little extra writing effort? You will get back several times the extra time you spend cleaning your code. Think about it the next time you are going to commit a piece of code.

Last thought about why we should care our code is that we, the developers, do not write code solely to be interpreted by machines. We write code to be read by humans. Let’s think that we are authors, in the same way that a journalist writes in a newspaper or a writer creates a novel.

Some principles

There are many principles and ideas about what is clean and what is not. You can find them in the book and also on the net. But because I need some basic principles to have something to play with, I am going to introduce some of them. If you already know them you can skip to the next section, if not I think they will allow you to get an idea of the style of the rest of the theory and, perhaps, the motivation to know more.

So, let’s see some principles with code.

Let’s practice with code!


We are deciding names everywhere when we are coding: variables, functions, classes, packages, files… Taking it seriously is a first step to having Clean Code.

Some tips to get clean names:

Use intention-revealing names:

Use intention-revealing names example

If you find this “s” entity later you get nothing about its purpose

Choose pronounceable names:

Use pronounceable names example

It’s not easy to talk with a colleague about the red variable without losing face

Use searchable names:

Seachable names example

If you try to find the “r” variable with your IDE’s search tool, probably you will find more than you want

Avoid prefixes and suffixes and abbreviations

Avoid abbreviations

What the hell is ‘hp’: hypotenuse, high point…? Spanish speakers could have more proposals.

There are many other tips about choosing good names. Probably use intention-revealing names is the most important but what is really important is to take the naming seriously.

Take your time to choose good names. And don’t be afraid to change an existing name if you think that the code is going to be more readable after the change.


Between all the ideas about clean functions I am going to highlight three for this post.

First rule is basic and easy to remember: Functions should do one thing, they should do it well and they should do it only. Not too much to explain here: avoid side effects, split your functions if you notice that they are doing several things at the same time.

Functions should do one thing

Functions should be small. Ok, but how short they should be? How to measure it? Let’s force our functions to have no more than 2 levels of indentation. If this is hard for you, you can start setting a higher limit (3 levels, for example), but please put a limit on the levels of indentation you allow.

Regarding the arguments… The fewer arguments a function has, the cleaner it is. Why? Arguments need a lot of context knowledge. In each call a reader must have context to understand each argument. More arguments→ more context you need to understand. Arguments are also hard from a testing point of view. More arguments, more test cases to ensure that all the combinations of arguments work properly

Function classification by the number of arguments. More than 2 not recommended

You must have a good reason for having more than 2 arguments in a function


When I learned to code in the 90's, my teachers used to ask me to write comments everywhere. It was typical to hear them say things like “If you don’t comment your code, I’m not going to correct your exam…”. The goal of those comments was to make our code easier to read. This is a goal that we also have when writing Clean Code, but maybe comments are not the best way to achieve it.

“Comments compensate for our failure to express ourselves in code. Comments are always failures” — Robert C. Martin, Clean Code

I agree with Martin in this point. He also says that comments lie, and I am sure that we have all found old comments saying something outdated. Because the code is maintained, but there is nothing that forces the comments to be maintained as well. Is there anything worse than a fake comment?

The truth is only in the code. When you think you need to write a comment, always think if there is not a better way to express this using the code.

The most important idea is to try to avoid comments to explain the code. For example:

Avoid comments to explain a variable. Instead, choose a good name for this variable and you won’t need a comment

Avoid comments to explain a function. Instead, force your function to do only one thing, have few arguments and choose a good name for it and its arguments and you won’t need a comment

Let’s see a practical case:

1. We have something complex. We feel that is going to be hard to understand in the future:

A complex piece of code

What is happening here? Did you get it? Cool, but maybe not trivial for everyone

2. We can add a comment to make it easier to understand:

Complex code with a comment

I have put a comment. Now I can sleep better. But, is this the best solution?

3. Let’s try another option, let’s extract the complex code to a method with a cool name:

Complex code extracted to a function with a cool name.

Definitively now it’s clean!

Think about what a future reader will want to know when they find this if. They will be interested to know that this if is checking if the year is a leap year, but probably they will not be interested in how we are getting it. If they are curious, they can navigate to the implementation of this coolly named method. Unintentionally, by avoiding a comment we are separating different levels of abstraction in our code.

So, in general, avoid comments to explain code. And, because you will be using GIT or any other distributed version control system, avoid commented-out code (delete it!), attributions and bylines, and this kind of stuff.

Comments are not forbidden, there are situations where comments make sense:

Legal comments

TODO comments

Amplifications about the importance of something or the reason of a concrete decision in the code

Mandated comments (JavaDocs, …) in public APIs (but, avoid this in non-public code… don’t force a team to comment the all the functions of all your classes!!!)

More principles

As I told before, I was going to comment just a few principles to get a basic understanding of the Clean Code theory. So, these are only some of the most basic ideas about Clean Code. If you find them interesting and you want to know more, look for more resources on the net or, directly, read Martin’s book.

How to clean your code? Refactor is the key

Well, good naming, small functions, no comment to explain the code… got it. But, how can I do it? How can I write code following these ideas?

Our job is hard in itself. Writing code and getting it to work can already be enough challenge. And that without worrying about leaving it clean.

Drawing: Writing code is hard

Writing code was already difficult without having to think about its cleanliness

So, the keyword here can be Refactor. A good way can be to write code without worrying too much about cleanliness, and later, when we have the code doing what we want, clean it up with a refactor.

Definition of Refactor

Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior. It means that the code before and after the refactor must do exactly the same.

Things that are not refactors:

Change an algorithm

Replace one type of loop with another

Upgrade the performance of a piece of code

Things that are refactors:

Extract a piece of code to a Function

Rename things

Extract several functions to a new Class.

Create a constant to store a hardcoded value

Safe Refactoring

Maybe you are thinking that “I don’t want to break the code, it’s working fine!”. Yes, of course. It could have been quite difficult to get the code working, we don’t want to break it when refactoring. And this is the typical reason people argue for not changing very bad code. But don’t worry, there is safe way.

We can rely on two things to refactor without fear:

Safe Refactor relying on Tests and Refactoring Tools

Refactoring can be a joy if we have good tests and use cool Refactoring tools

Testing: we should have good automated tests for our code for many reasons. But it is obvious that this is something that will help us refactor without breaking nothing. After each refactoring you can check if all the tests are still green. I am not going to write about testing in this post, maybe in another one in the future. If you don’t know about testing, you should. There is a lot of information on the net. If you don’t know where to start, ask me :).

Tests running in green

Everything is green. It seems that we haven’t broken anything.

Refactoring tools: modern IDEs have tools that do some of the most common refactoring actions automatically. If we use them we will be reducing the possibilities of breaking something when making changes to the code. I am going to introduce them at the end of this post ;).

When should you Refactor your code?

All the time. I mean, you should be working on development cycles of:

Write code

Write tests


And not necessarily in this order. You can develop using TDD and, in this case, you will write your tests before the code. But anyway, you should refactor each time you have a piece of working code. In other words: you should refactor at the end of each cycle. And these cycles should be small.

Because if you work inside a small iteration of development it will be very easy to refactor, to ensure that everything is clean, that you are not breaking things, etc… Do you usually spend several days writing to end up making a delivery with a lot of lines of code in several files? Maybe not the best habit.

Appendix: Refactoring tools

For this appendix I have chosen an IDE that I am comfortable with, such as JetBrains’ IntelliJ for Java. But you will be able to find these kind of tools in the IDE you use for your preferred language. If not, maybe you should try another IDE.


Probably the simplest refactoring tool is Rename. You have an entity with a name that you don’t like and you want to change it. Of course, you can edit it manually... but this won’t be trivial because this entity can be used in a lot of places.

For example: I want to change the name of the class Input. I want to call it WordFrequency.

Because it is a Class, there are a lot of potential places where I should change Input identifier. Manually, I should look for all of them. But we have Rename refactoring tool:

Rename refactoring tool

Rename tool with all its options to rename an entity safely

This tool will rename the entity and it will be in charge of rename everything we need: other usages, the file name, tests… even variable names that could have relation with out entity:

It has realized that I had several variables that I might like to change. Thanks IDE!

Extract method

This is probably the tool I use the most. Let’s see an example:

I have this piece of code that is part of a very big function that I want to refactor. I think that some of these lines are doing something unique that could be a private function. So I decide to extract.

I want to extract the creation of wordFrequencyList to a method

2. I use the extract method tool. This tool offers me several options about how the new method is going to be:

Extract method tool

Extract method tool even dares to propose a cool name…

3. Now the code is extracted to a method and here we have the call. The tool will take care of creating the method, moving the code and changing all the places where we had that same code with one call (because it finds duplicates).

Cleaner, isn’t it?

Other tools

There are many Refactoring Tools for the most common actions you can want to do to restructure your code. Talking about IntelliJ Idea we can take a look to the documentation about Code Refactoring or you can look for the documentation of your preferred IDE. I encourage you to discover all the Refactoring Tools in your IDE and play with them to understand how they work and if you find them useful.

List of refactoring tools

A lot of refactoring tools!

In fact, in my IDE I can select a piece of code and get the “Refactor This” menu that will show me all the Refactoring Tools I can apply to this concrete case:

Tell me, kind IDE, what can I do with this?

One last argument

There is a final argument to clean your code if you are not completely convinced

Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live — John F. Woods.

Some thanks

To you. If you have come this far, thank you very much for reading my post.


  1. 清洁代码之道:一份实用关于如何编写和维护干净整洁的好代码的的方法 The Art Of Clean Code

  2. 来自软件架构大师的 4 个真理

  3. 程序员架构修炼之道:软件架构设计的37个一般性原则

  4. 软件架构设计的核心:抽象与模型、“战略编程”

  5. 软件架构的本质

  6. 快看软件架构风格总结: 各种历史和现代软件架构风格的快速总结

  7. 软件架构师成长之路: Master Plan for becoming a Software Architect

  8. 软件架构设计杂记:  好作品是改出来的,好的代码是不断重构打磨出来的, 心性是历经艰难困苦修炼出来的







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二维数组的定义和操作 学习目标&#xff1a; 1、理解二维数组及其存储结构。 2、掌握二维数组的初始化、输入输出等基本操作。 引入&#xff1a; 由前面介绍可知&#xff0c;一维数组的元素可以是任何基本数据类型&#xff0c;也可以是结构体。那么&#xff0c;如果一维数组的…


目录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 第一章 引言 3 1.1 项目的背景和意义 3 1.2.1 个性化新闻服务现状 4 1.2.2 网络爬虫研究现状 4 1.2.3 项目的范围和预期结果 4 第二章 技术与原理 5 2.1 技术选型 5 2.2 相关原理介绍 7 第三章 系统需求分析 10 3. 1 新闻订阅系统用例析取 10 3.2 新闻…

干扰管理学习日志4-------信道估计方法 LS(最小二乘)、MMSE(最小均方误差)

目录一、信道估计定义二、LS估计(最小二乘法)1.定义2.系统模型3.损失函数4.模型求解三、MMSE估计(最小均方误差)1.定义2.系统模型3.损失函数4.模型求解5.模型结果一、信道估计定义 信道估计&#xff0c;就是从接收数据中将假定的某个信道模型的模型参数估计出来的过程。如果信…


前言 给大家分享一个小技巧✔&#xff0c;当我们刷题的时候&#xff0c;最好就是集中刷某一类型的题目&#xff0c;不要刷一道排序&#xff0c;又一道数组&#xff0c;这种混乱刷题&#xff0c;不利于我们记忆&#xff0c;集中刷题可以保证刷题的效果&#xff0c;保证效率&…

10. IDEA 项目使用 Git 管理

文章目录10.1 需求 1-说明10.2 需求 1-实现步骤10.2.1 界面操作10.2.2 也可以使用命令行完成10.3 需求 2-说明10.4 需求 2-实现步骤10.4.1 界面操作10.4.2 也可以使用命令行完成 (具体参考上文)10.5 如何查看操作记录10.5.1 示意图10.6 需求 3-说明10.6.2 具体演示 -pull10.1 需…


Java中有8中基本数据类型&#xff0c;分别是&#xff1a; 包装类就是这8种数据类型所对应的引用数据类型&#xff0c;分别是&#xff1a; - 可能有同学会问&#xff1a;Java为什么要给基本数据类型提供对应的引用数据呢? - 第一&#xff0c;Java是面向对象的语言&#xff0c…


一、模块介绍 1.什么是模块 ​ 其实我们前一阵已经接触过了,import xxx 、from xx import xxx ​ 能够有一定功能的集合体就是模块,比如有某些功能的py文件,包含这个文件的文件夹 ​ python之所以流传的这么广有很重要一个因素就是模块非常丰富,社区活跃,干活效率高 2.…


计算属性和侦听器 1、计算属性&#xff08;computed&#xff09; 某些结果是基于之前数据实时计算出来的&#xff0c;我们可以利用计算属性。来完成 示例&#xff1a; <div id"app"> <ul> <li>西游记&#xff1a;价格{{xyjPrice}}&#xff0c;…