
news/2024/7/27 7:46:03/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/fuyouzhiyi/article/details/136534412



假设数据存放在在unsigned char* m_pData 里面,宽和高分别是:m_nDataWidth m_nDataHeight
给定缩放比例:fXZoom fYZoom,返回缩放后的unsigned char* dataZoom
根据比例计算原图和缩放后图坐标的对应关系:缩放后图坐标*缩放比例 = 原图坐标

原始代码 未优化

#pragma once
class zoomBlock
public:zoomBlock() {};~zoomBlock();void zoomDataSSE128(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom);void zoomData(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom);void test(float  fXZoom =0.5, float fYZoom=0.5);void init(int DataWidth, int DataHeight);
private:void computeSrcValues(int* srcValues, size_t size, float zoom, int dataSize);private:unsigned char* m_pData = nullptr;float m_fXZoom = 1 ;//x轴缩放比例  m_nXZoom=1时 不缩放float m_fYZoom = 1 ;//y轴缩放比例int m_nDataWidth = 0;int m_nDataHeight = 0;
};#include "zoomBlock.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if( (p) != NULL ) delete[] (p); (p) = NULL; }zoomBlock::~zoomBlock()
void zoomBlock::init(int DataWidth, int DataHeight)
{m_nDataWidth = DataWidth;m_nDataHeight = DataHeight;m_pData = new unsigned char[m_nDataWidth* m_nDataHeight];for (int i = 0; i < m_nDataWidth * m_nDataHeight; ++i){m_pData[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);  // Replace this with your data initialization logic}
}void zoomBlock::zoomData(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{int nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;for (size_t row = 0; row < nZoomDataHeight; row++){for (size_t column = 0; column < nZoomDataWidth; column ++){//1int srcx = std::min(int(row / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcy = std::min(int(column / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);//2int srcPos = srcx * m_nDataHeight + srcy;int desPos = row * nZoomDataHeight + column;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];}}
}void zoomBlock::test(float  fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{init(8,8);std::cout << "Values in m_pData:" << std::endl;for (int i = 0; i < m_nDataWidth * m_nDataHeight; ++i){std::cout << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(m_pData[i]) << " ";if ((i + 1) % m_nDataWidth == 0) {  // Adjust the value based on your datastd::cout << std::endl;}}unsigned char* dataZoom = new unsigned char[fXZoom * m_nDataWidth * fYZoom * m_nDataHeight];zoomData(dataZoom, fXZoom, fYZoom);// Print or inspect the values in m_dataZoomint nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;std::cout << "Values in m_dataZoom:" << std::endl;for (int i = 0; i < nZoomDataHeight * nZoomDataWidth; ++i){std::cout << std::setw(4)<< static_cast<int>(dataZoom[i]) << " ";if ((i + 1) % nZoomDataWidth == 0) {  // Adjust the value based on your datastd::cout << std::endl;}}SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(dataZoom);}


int main()
{zoomBlock zoomBlocktest;zoomBlocktest.test(1.5,1.5);return 0;

·void zoomBlock::zoomData(unsigned char* dataZoom, float fXZoom, float fYZoom)·



void zoomBlock::zoomDataSSE128(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{int nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;for (size_t row = 0; row < nZoomDataHeight; row++){int remian = nZoomDataWidth % 4;for (size_t column = 0; column < nZoomDataWidth - remian; column += 4){//第一个坐标int srcx = std::min(int(row / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcy = std::min(int(column / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);int srcPos = srcx * m_nDataHeight + srcy;int desPos = row * nZoomDataHeight + column;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];//第二个坐标int srcx1 = std::min(int((row+1) / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcy1 = std::min(int((column+1) / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);int srcPos1 = srcx1 * m_nDataHeight + srcy1;int desPos1 = (row+1) * nZoomDataHeight + column+1;dataZoom[desPos1] = m_pData[srcPos1];//第3个坐标// 。。。//第4个坐标// 。。。}// Process the remaining elements (if any) without SSEfor (size_t column = nZoomDataWidth - remian; column < nZoomDataWidth; column++){int srcx = std::min(int(row / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcy = std::min(int(column / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);int srcPos = srcx * m_nDataHeight + srcy;int desPos = row * nZoomDataHeight + column;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];}}

上面 一次处理四个坐标的代码要改成sse的代码

在最里层的循环里面,每次都要计算 row / fYZoom 和 column / fXZoom,这个实际上可以挪出for循环,计算一次存到数组里

数据坐标desPos和srcPos ,必须放在最内存的循环里

所以我们用calculateSrcIndex函数单独处理 row / fYZoom 和 column / fXZoom,希望达到如下效果:

void calculateSrcIndex(int* srcValues, int size, float zoom,int max)
{for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){srcValues[i] = std::min(int(i/zoom),max);}


void calculateSrcIndex(int* srcValues, int size, float zoom,int max)
{__m128i mmIndex, mmSrcValue, mmMax;mmMax = _mm_set1_epi32(max);float zoomReciprocal = 1.0f / zoom;int remian = size % 4;for (size_t i = 0; i < size - remian; i += 4){mmIndex = _mm_set_epi32(i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i);mmSrcValue = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(mmIndex), _mm_set1_ps(zoomReciprocal)));// Ensure srcValues are within the valid range [0, max]mmSrcValue = _mm_min_epi32(mmSrcValue, mmMax);// Store the result to the srcValues array_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&srcValues[i]), mmSrcValue);}// Process the remaining elements (if any) without SSEfor (size_t i = size - remian; i < size; i++){srcValues[i] = std::min(int(i / zoom), max);}



  1. __m128i _mm_set1_epi32(int i);

  2. __m128i _mm_set_epi32(int i3, int i2,int i1, int i0);

r0 := i0
r1 := i1
r2 := i2
r3 := i3

  1. __m128i _mm_cvtps_epi32 (__m128 a)
    Converts packed 32-bit integers in a to packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements.


  1. __m128 _mm_set1_ps(float w)
    对应于_mm_load1_ps的功能,不需要字节对齐,需要多条指令。(r0 = r1 = r2 = r3 = w)
  2. __m128 _mm_cvtepi32_ps (__m128i a)
    Converts packed 32-bit integers in a to packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements.


__m128 dst = _mm_mul_ps (__m128 a, __m128 b)
将a, b中的32位浮点数相乘,结果打包给dst


__m128i _mm_min_epi32 (__m128i a, __m128i b)
Compare packed signed 32-bit integers in a and b, and store packed minimum values in dst.
FOR j := 0 to 3
i := j*32
dst[i+31:i] := MIN(a[i+31:i], b[i+31:i])


	int* srcX = new int[nZoomDataHeight];int* srcY = new int[nZoomDataWidth];calculateSrcIndex(srcX, nZoomDataHeight, fXZoom , m_nDataHeight - 1);calculateSrcIndex(srcY, nZoomDataWidth, fYZoom, m_nDataWidth - 1);for (size_t row = 0; row < nZoomDataHeight; row++){int remian = nZoomDataWidth % 4;for (size_t column = 0; column < nZoomDataWidth - remian; column += 4){//第一个坐标int srcPos = srcX[row] * m_nDataHeight + srcY[column];int desPos = row * nZoomDataHeight + column;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];...}}


void zoomBlock::zoomDataSSE128(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{int nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;int* srcX = new int[nZoomDataWidth];int* srcY = new int[nZoomDataHeight];calculateSrcIndex(srcX, nZoomDataWidth, fXZoom, m_nDataWidth - 1);calculateSrcIndex(srcY, nZoomDataHeight, fYZoom, m_nDataHeight - 1);for (size_t y = 0; y < nZoomDataHeight; y++){int remian = nZoomDataWidth % 4;for (size_t x = 0; x < nZoomDataWidth - remian; x += 4){__m128i mmsrcX = _mm_set_epi32(srcX[x + 3], srcX[x + 2], srcX[x+1], srcX[x]);__m128i srcPosIndices = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(srcY[y] * m_nDataWidth),mmsrcX);__m128i desPosIndices = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(y * nZoomDataWidth),_mm_set_epi32(x + 3, x + 2, x + 1, x));dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[0]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[0]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[1]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[1]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[2]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[2]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[3]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[3]];/*cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[0] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[0] << endl;cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[1] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[1] << endl;cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[2] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[2] << endl;cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[3] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[3] << endl;*/}// Process the remaining elements (if any) without SSEfor (size_t x = nZoomDataWidth - remian; x < nZoomDataWidth; x++){int srcy = std::min(int(y / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcx = std::min(int(x / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);int srcPos = srcy * m_nDataHeight + srcx;int desPos = y * nZoomDataHeight + x;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];}}delete[] srcX;delete[] srcY;


 #pragma once
class zoomBlock
public:zoomBlock() {};~zoomBlock();void zoomDataSSE128(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom);void zoomData(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom);void test(float  fXZoom =0.5, float fYZoom=0.5);void init(int DataWidth, int DataHeight);
private:inline void calculateSrcIndex(int* srcValues, int size, float zoom, int max);private:unsigned char* m_pData = nullptr;float m_fXZoom = 1 ;//x轴缩放比例  m_nXZoom=1时 不缩放float m_fYZoom = 1 ;//y轴缩放比例int m_nDataWidth = 0;int m_nDataHeight = 0;
};#include "zoomBlock.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if( (p) != NULL ) delete[] (p); (p) = NULL; }zoomBlock::~zoomBlock()
void zoomBlock::init(int DataWidth, int DataHeight)
{m_nDataWidth = DataWidth;m_nDataHeight = DataHeight;m_pData = new unsigned char[m_nDataWidth* m_nDataHeight];for (int i = 0; i < m_nDataWidth * m_nDataHeight; ++i){m_pData[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(i);  // Replace this with your data initialization logic}
}void zoomBlock::zoomData(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{int nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;for (size_t y = 0; y < nZoomDataHeight; y++){for (size_t x = 0; x < nZoomDataWidth; x ++){//1int srcy = std::min(int(y / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcx = std::min(int(x / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);//2int srcPos = srcy * m_nDataWidth + srcx;int desPos = y * nZoomDataWidth + x;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];}}
}inline void zoomBlock::calculateSrcIndex(int* srcValues, int size, float zoom,int max)
{__m128i mmIndex, mmSrcValue, mmMax;mmMax = _mm_set1_epi32(max);float zoomReciprocal = 1.0f / zoom;int remian = size % 4;for (size_t i = 0; i < size - remian; i += 4){mmIndex = _mm_set_epi32(i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i);mmSrcValue = _mm_cvttps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(mmIndex), _mm_set1_ps(zoomReciprocal)));// Ensure srcValues are within the valid range [0, max]mmSrcValue = _mm_min_epi32(mmSrcValue, mmMax);// Store the result to the srcValues array_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(&srcValues[i]), mmSrcValue);}// Process the remaining elements (if any) without SSEfor (size_t i = size - remian; i < size; i++){srcValues[i] = std::min(int(i / zoom), max);}
}void zoomBlock::zoomDataSSE128(unsigned char* dataZoom, float  fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{int nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;int* srcX = new int[nZoomDataWidth];int* srcY = new int[nZoomDataHeight];calculateSrcIndex(srcX, nZoomDataWidth, fXZoom, m_nDataWidth - 1);calculateSrcIndex(srcY, nZoomDataHeight, fYZoom, m_nDataHeight - 1);for (size_t y = 0; y < nZoomDataHeight; y++){int remian = nZoomDataWidth % 4;for (size_t x = 0; x < nZoomDataWidth - remian; x += 4){/*int srcPos = srcx * m_nDataHeight + srcy;int desPos = row * nZoomDataHeight + column;*///dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];//__m128i mmsrcY = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(srcY));__m128i mmsrcX = _mm_set_epi32(srcX[x + 3], srcX[x + 2], srcX[x+1], srcX[x]);__m128i srcPosIndices = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(srcY[y] * m_nDataWidth),mmsrcX);__m128i desPosIndices = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(y * nZoomDataWidth),_mm_set_epi32(x + 3, x + 2, x + 1, x));dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[0]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[0]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[1]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[1]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[2]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[2]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m128i_i32[3]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[3]];/*cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[0] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[0] << endl;cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[1] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[1] << endl;cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[2] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[2] << endl;cout << "srcPosIndices: " << srcPosIndices.m128i_i32[3] << " , desPosIndices : " << desPosIndices.m128i_i32[3] << endl;*/}// Process the remaining elements (if any) without SSEfor (size_t x = nZoomDataWidth - remian; x < nZoomDataWidth; x++){int srcy = std::min(int(y / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcx = std::min(int(x / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);int srcPos = srcy * m_nDataHeight + srcx;int desPos = y * nZoomDataHeight + x;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];}}delete[] srcX;delete[] srcY;
}void zoomBlock::test(float  fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{init(8,4);std::cout << "Values in m_pData:" << std::endl;for (int i = 0; i < m_nDataWidth * m_nDataHeight; ++i){std::cout << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(m_pData[i]) << " ";if ((i + 1) % m_nDataWidth == 0) {  // Adjust the value based on your datastd::cout << std::endl;}}int nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;unsigned char* dataZoom = new unsigned char[nZoomDataWidth * nZoomDataHeight];zoomDataSSE128(dataZoom, fXZoom, fYZoom);//zoomData(dataZoom, fXZoom, fYZoom);// Print or inspect the values in m_dataZoomstd::cout << "Values in m_dataZoom:" << std::endl;for (int i = 0; i < nZoomDataHeight * nZoomDataWidth; ++i){std::cout << std::setw(4)<< static_cast<int>(dataZoom[i]) << " ";if ((i + 1) % nZoomDataWidth == 0) {  // Adjust the value based on your datastd::cout << std::endl;}}SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(dataZoom);}int main()
{zoomBlock zoomBlocktest;zoomBlocktest.test(2,1);return 0;


AVX 256

inline void zoomBlock::calculateSrcIndex256(int* srcValues, int size, float zoom, int max)
{__m256i ymmIndex, ymmSrcValue, ymmMax;ymmMax = _mm256_set1_epi32(max);float zoomReciprocal = 1.0f / zoom;int remian = size % 8;for (size_t i = 0; i < size - remian; i += 8){ymmIndex = _mm256_set_epi32(i + 7, i + 6, i + 5, i + 4, i + 3, i + 2, i + 1, i);ymmSrcValue = _mm256_cvtps_epi32(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(ymmIndex), _mm256_set1_ps(zoomReciprocal)));// Ensure srcValues are within the valid range [0, max]ymmSrcValue = _mm256_min_epi32(ymmSrcValue, ymmMax);// Store the result to the srcValues array_mm256_storeu_si256(reinterpret_cast<__m256i*>(&srcValues[i]), ymmSrcValue);}// Process the remaining elements (if any) without AVX2for (size_t i = size - remian; i < size; i++){srcValues[i] = std::min(int(i / zoom), max);}
void zoomBlock::zoomDataAVX2(unsigned char* dataZoom, float fXZoom, float fYZoom)
{int nZoomDataWidth = fXZoom * m_nDataWidth;int nZoomDataHeight = fYZoom * m_nDataHeight;int* srcX = new int[nZoomDataWidth];int* srcY = new int[nZoomDataHeight];calculateSrcIndex(srcX, nZoomDataWidth, fXZoom, m_nDataWidth - 1);calculateSrcIndex(srcY, nZoomDataHeight, fYZoom, m_nDataHeight - 1);for (size_t y = 0; y < nZoomDataHeight; y++){int remian = nZoomDataWidth % 8;for (size_t x = 0; x < nZoomDataWidth - remian; x += 8){__m256i ymmSrcX = _mm256_set_epi32(srcX[x + 7], srcX[x + 6], srcX[x + 5], srcX[x + 4],srcX[x + 3], srcX[x + 2], srcX[x + 1], srcX[x]);__m256i srcPosIndices = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_set1_epi32(srcY[y] * m_nDataWidth),ymmSrcX);__m256i desPosIndices = _mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_set1_epi32(y * nZoomDataWidth),_mm256_set_epi32(x + 7, x + 6, x + 5, x + 4, x + 3, x + 2, x + 1, x));dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[0]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[0]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[1]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[1]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[2]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[2]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[3]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[3]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[4]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[4]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[5]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[5]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[6]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[6]];dataZoom[desPosIndices.m256i_i32[7]] = m_pData[srcPosIndices.m256i_i32[7]];}// Process the remaining elements (if any) without AVX2for (size_t x = nZoomDataWidth - remian; x < nZoomDataWidth; x++){int srcy = std::min(int(y / fYZoom), m_nDataHeight - 1);int srcx = std::min(int(x / fXZoom), m_nDataWidth - 1);int srcPos = srcy * m_nDataWidth + srcx;int desPos = y * nZoomDataWidth + x;dataZoom[desPos] = m_pData[srcPos];}}delete[] srcX;delete[] srcY;




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目录 一、接收请求数据 1. 接收表单参数 1.原始方式【了解】 2.SpringBoot方式 3.参数名不一致RequestParam 2.实体参数 1.简单实体对象 2.复杂实体对象 3.数组集合参数 4.日期参数 3. JSON参数 1.Postman发送JSON数据 2.服务端接收JSON数据 4. 路径参数(rest风格…

论文阅读之Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models

文章目录 简介摘要引言多模态思维链推理的挑战多模态CoT框架多模态CoT模型架构细节编码模块融合模块解码模块 实验结果总结 简介 本文主要对2023一篇论文《Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models》主要内容进行介绍。 摘要 大型语言模型&#xff08;LLM…


文章目录 一、任务通知(一&#xff09;任务通知概述1、任务通知可模拟队列和信号量2、任务通知优势和局限性 (二) 任务通知函数1、xTaskNotify&#xff08;&#xff09;发送通知值不返回先前通知值的函数2、xTaskNotifyFromISR&#xff08;&#xff09;发送通知函数ISR版本3、x…


简言 详细介绍了package.json中每个字段的作用。 package.json 本文档将为您介绍 package.json 文件的所有要求。它必须是实际的 JSON&#xff0c;而不仅仅是 JavaScript 对象文字。 如果你要发布你的项目&#xff0c;这是一个特别重要的文件&#xff0c;其中name和version是…

stable diffusion 原理是什么?

“ 这篇文章主要介绍了Stable Diffusion&#xff0c;这是一种用于AI绘画的算法&#xff0c;它是由CompVis和Runway团队在2021年12月提出的“潜在扩散模型”&#xff08;LDM/Latent Diffusion Model&#xff09;的变体&#xff0c;基于2015年提出的扩散模型&#xff08;DM/Diffu…

SpringCloud Ribbon 负载均衡服务调用

一、前言 接下来是开展一系列的 SpringCloud 的学习之旅&#xff0c;从传统的模块之间调用&#xff0c;一步步的升级为 SpringCloud 模块之间的调用&#xff0c;此篇文章为第三篇&#xff0c;即介绍 Ribbon 负载均衡服务调用 二、概述 2.1 Ribbon 是什么 Spring Cloud Ribbon…


滤波器在电子领域中扮演着重要的角色&#xff0c;用于处理信号、抑制噪声以及滤除干扰。本文将详细介绍滤波器的工作原理、分类以及在各个应用领域中的具体应用。 一、滤波器的定义和作用 滤波器是一种电子设备&#xff0c;用于选择性地通过或阻塞特定频率范围内的信号。其主…




背景&#xff1a; 在项目开发过程中&#xff0c;为了方便分析和排查问题&#xff0c;我们需要将原本输出到控制台的调试信息写入日志文件&#xff0c;进行持久化存储&#xff0c;还可以实现日志分级等。 日志输出格式&#xff1a; 我们需要的格式包括以下内容&#xff1a; 1.…


知识点 1、云原生-K8s安全-横向移动-污点Taint 2、云原生-K8s安全-Kubernetes实战场景 章节点&#xff1a; 云场景攻防&#xff1a;公有云&#xff0c;私有云&#xff0c;混合云&#xff0c;虚拟化集群&#xff0c;云桌面等 云厂商攻防&#xff1a;阿里云&#xff0c;腾讯云&…

Graphpad Prism10.2.1(395) 安装教程 (含Win/Mac版)

GraphPad Prism GraphPad Prism是一款非常专业强大的科研医学生物数据处理绘图软件&#xff0c;它可以将科学图形、综合曲线拟合&#xff08;非线性回归&#xff09;、可理解的统计数据、数据组织结合在一起&#xff0c;除了最基本的数据统计分析外&#xff0c;还能自动生成统…


物联网到底是什么&#xff1f; 物联网(Internet of Things&#xff0c;IoT)的概念最早于1999年被提出&#xff0c;官方解释为“万物相连的互联网”&#xff0c;是在互联网基础上延伸和扩展&#xff0c;将各种信息传感设备与网络结合起来而形成的一个巨大网络&#xff0c;可以实…


1.简介 USB设备接入的Hub端口负责检测USB2.0设备是否存在和确定USB2.0设备的速度。检测设备是否存在和确定设备速度涉及一系列的信号交互&#xff0c;下面将分析该过程。 2.硬件 USB低速设备和全速/高速设备的连接器在硬件结构上有所不同&#xff0c;而主机或者Hub接收端连接…