
news/2024/7/26 11:20:49/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38594676/article/details/137277646


麦田医学 美好事物中转站 2024-04-02 14:36



A deep learning algorithm to predict risk of

pancreatic cancer from disease trajectories








 We used disease trajectories from the DNPR, with demographic infor mation from the Central Person Registry (CPR)36. DNPR covers approxi mately 8.6 million patients with 229 million hospital diagnoses, with, on average, 26.7 diagnosis codes per patient. For training, we used trajectories of International Classification of Diseases (ICD) diagnos tic codes, down to the three-character category in the ICD hierarchy, with explicit timestamps for each hospital contact from January 1977 to April 2018, for a total of 6.2 million patients after standard filter ing (Methods), including 23,985 pancreatic cancer cases (Fig. 2a,b,d, Table 1, Extended Data Figs. 1 and 2 and Supplementary Table 1). For validation in another healthcare system, we similarly used longitudinal clinical records from 1999 to 2020 from the US-VA CDW (data warehouse), which integrates both EHRs and cancer registry data nationwide (Fig. 2a,c,e). For training, we used trajectories from a selected dataset (Methods) with a total of 3.0 million patients, including 3,864 pancreatic cancer cases (Table 1 and Extended Data Fig. 3). On average, the health records in the US-VA dataset have shorter (median 12 years in US-VA versus 23 years in DNPR) but substantially denser disease histories (median 188 records per patient in US-VA versus 22 records per patient in DNPR). These differences likely reflect the dif ferences in population (entire population in Denmark versus military veterans in the US-VA) and in healthcare system practices, such as referral, documentation and billing.






Processing of disease code trajectory datasets

We followed the MI-CLAIM checklist47 to improve the reporting of our methods. The checklist is available in Supplementary Table 6. Population-level DNPR dataset The first part of the project was conducted using a dataset of disease histories from the DNPR, covering all 229 million hospital diagnoses of 8.6 million patients between 1977 and 2018. This includes inpatient contacts since 1977 and outpatient and emergency department con tacts since 1995 but not data from general practitioners’ records34. Each entry of the database includes data on the start and end date of an admission or visit as well as diagnosis codes. The diagnoses are coded according to the ICD (ICD-8 until 1994 and ICD-10 since then). The accu

racy of cancer diagnosis disease codes, as examined by the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, has been reported to be 98% (accuracy for 19 Charlson conditions in 950 reviewed records)48.

For cancer diagnoses specifically, the reference evaluation was based on detailed comparisons among randomly sampled discharges from five different hospitals and review of a total of 950 samples34. We used both the ICD-8 code 157 and ICD-10 code C25, ‘malignant neoplasm of

pancreas’, to define pancreatic cancer cases.





Fig. 1 | Training and prediction of pancreatic cancer risk from disease trajectories. a, Learning: The general ML workflow starts with partitioning the data into a training set (Train), a development set (Dev) and a test set (Test). The trajectories for training input are generated by sampling continuous subsequences of diagnoses for each patient’s diagnosis history, each starting with the first record but with different endpoints. The training and development sets are used for training so as to minimize the prediction error—that is, the difference between a risk score function (prediction) and a step function (observation), summed over all instances. Prediction: A model’s ability to accurately predict is evaluated using the withheld test set. The prediction model, depending on the prediction threshold selected from among possible operational points, discriminates between patients at higher and lower risk of pancreatic cancer. The risk model can guide the development of surveillance initiatives. b, The model trained with real-world clinical data has three steps: embedding, encoding and prediction. The embedding machine transforms categorical disease codes and timestamps of these disease codes into a lower-dimensional real number continuous space. The encoding machine extracts information from a disease history and summarizes each sequence in a characteristic fingerprint in the latent space (vertical vector). The prediction machine then uses the fingerprint to generate predictions for cancer occurrence within different time intervals after the time of assessment (3, 6, 12, 36 and 60 months). The model parameters are trained by minimizing the difference between the predicted and the observed cancer occurrence. c, Terminology for timepoints and intervals. The last event of a disease trajectory coincides with the time of assessment. From the time of assessment, cancer risk is assessed within 3, 6, 12, 36 and 60 months. To test the influence of close-to-cancer diagnosis codes on the prediction of cancer occurrence, exclusion intervals are used to remove diagnoses in the last 3, 6 and 12 months before cancer diagnosis.

图1 | 从疾病轨迹预测胰腺癌风险的训练和预测



Fig. 2 | Characteristics of the Danish and US-VA patient registries. a, Distributions for age at pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the two cohorts. b,c, The Danish (DK) dataset has a longer median length of disease trajectories but lower median number of disease codes per patient compared to the US-VA dataset, so the ML process, independently in each dataset, has to cope with very different distributions of disease trajectories in terms of length of trajectories and density of the number of disease codes. Color level indicates the number of patients in a given bin. d,e, Background check on the distribution disease codes in the clinical records: prevalence of known risk factors in cancer versus non-cancer patients in the DK (d) and US-VA (e) datasets, counting whether a disease code occurred at least once in a patient’s history previous to their pancreatic cancer code (cancer) or 2 years previous to the end of data (no cancer).

图2 | 丹麦和美国退伍军人事务部患者注册处的特点。




Fig. 3 | Performance of the ML model on clinical record trajectories inpredicting pancreatic cancer occurrence in the Danish dataset. For each model and prediction evaluation, performance is better for larger AUROC (a,c,e,g) and for higher RR (Relative risk) for the n (horizontal axis) highest-risk patients (b,d,f,h). a,b, Choice of algorithm: The Transformer algorithm is best with AUROC = 0.879 (no data exclusion, 36-month prediction interval). c,d, Choice of input data: Prediction performance declines with exclusion interval, in training, of k = 3, 6 and 12 months of data between the end of a disease trajectory and cancer occurrence (best model for each exclusion interval, for 36-month prediction interval). e,f, Choice of input data: Prediction is better for all 2,000 ICD level-3 disease codes used throughout in training (Methods) compared to only the subset of 23 known risk factors, using a Transformer, all data (Exclusion 0), for the 36-month prediction interval. g,h, Choice of prediction task: Prediction of cancer is more difficult for larger prediction intervals, the time interval within which cancer is predicted to occur after assessment (Transformer model, all data). We reported prediction performance for the 36-month prediction interval (orange in g and h) in the above panels (a-f), as this is a reasonable choice for design of a surveillance program in clinical practice. b,d,f,h, Prediction performance at a particular operational point—for example (d), for n = 1,000 highest-risk patients (vertical dotted line) out of 1 million (1M) patients, the RR is 104.7 for the 36-month prediction interval using all data and 47.6 with 3-month data exclusion.

图3 | 在丹麦数据集中使用机器学习模型对临床记录轨迹预测胰腺癌发生的性能。对于每个模型和预测评估,更大的AUROC(a,c,e,g)和对n(水平轴)最高风险患者更高的RR(相对风险)表示性能更好(b,d,f,h)。a,b,算法选择:Transformer算法在没有数据排除的情况下,36个月预测间隔的AUROC=0.879,表现最佳。c,d,输入数据选择:随着训练中排除间隔k = 3,6和12个月的数据(从疾病轨迹结束到癌症发生之间的时间),预测性能下降(每个排除间隔的最佳模型,36个月预测间隔)。e,f,输入数据选择:与仅使用23个已知风险因素的子集相比,整个训练过程中使用的所有2000个ICD 3级疾病代码的预测更好(方法),使用Transformer,所有数据(排除0),对于36个月预测间隔。g,h,预测任务选择:预测癌症对于更大的预测间隔更困难,即在评估之后预测癌症发生的时间间隔(Transformer模型,所有数据)。我们报告了36个月预测间隔的预测性能(g和h中的橙色),如上面的面板(a-f)所示,因为这是临床实践中设计监测程序的合理选择。b,d,f,h,在特定操作点的预测性能——例如(d),对于n = 1,000最高风险患者(垂直虚线)中的1百万(1M)患者,使用所有数据的36个月预测间隔的RR为104.7,而排除3个月数据的RR为47.6。


Fig. 4 | Estimated performance of a surveillance program for high-risk patients in different health systems and with different operational choices. Estimated relative risk (RR) for the top n (horizontal axis) high-risk patients is based on evaluating the accuracy of prediction on the withheld test set (a,c,d)and on a full external dataset (b). a,c, In designing surveillance programs, one can choose between models trained on all data (Exclusion 0) versus models trained excluding data from the last 3 months before cancer occurrence (Exclusion 3) and between prediction for cancer within 12 months or 36 months of assessment (legend top right in each panel). b, Estimated performance is somewhat lower for cross-application of a model trained on Danish (DK) data applied to US-VA patient data, illustrating the challenge of deriving globally valid prediction tools without independent localized or system-specific training. d, A proposed practical choice for a surveillance program with good estimated accuracy of prediction, in either system, would involve application of independently trained models with 3-month data exclusion for a prediction interval of 12 months for patients older than age 50 years. 1M, 1 million.

图4 | 在不同卫生系统和不同操作选择下,针对高风险患者的监测计划的估计性能。顶部n(水平轴)高风险患者的估计相对风险(RR)是基于对保留测试集(a,c,d)和完整外部数据集(b)上的预测准确性评估得出的。a,c,在设计监测计划时,可以选择在所有数据上训练的模型(排除0)与排除癌症发生前最后3个月的数据训练的模型(排除3)之间选择,并且可以选择在评估后12个月内或36个月内预测癌症(每个面板右上角的图例)。b,用丹麦(DK)数据训练的模型应用于美国退伍军人事务部(US-VA)患者数据的估计性能稍低,这说明了在没有独立的本地化或系统特定训练的情况下,推导全球有效的预测工具的挑战。d,对于任一系统,一个提出的实际选择的监测计划,具有良好的预测准确性估计,将涉及应用独立训练的模型,排除3个月数据,对于年龄超过50岁的患者,预测间隔为12个月。1M,一百万。


Fig. 5 | Predictive capacity and feature contributions of disease trajectories. a,c, Distribution of recall (sensitivity) values at the F1 operational point (Methods) as a function of time to cancer (time between the end of a disease trajectory and cancer diagnosis). As expected, recall levels decrease with longer time to cancer, from 8% for cancer occurring about 1 year after assessment to a recall of 4% for cancer occurring about 3 years after assessment (DNPR). This suggests that the model learns not only from symptoms very close to pancreatic cancer but also from longer disease histories, albeit at lower accuracy. a, Danish system (DK), for models trained on all data (no data exclusion). c, US-VA system, for models trained on all data. b,d, Top 10 features that contribute to the cancer prediction in time-to-cancer intervals of 0–6, 6–12, 12–24 and 24–36 months for the Danish (DK) (b) and US-VA (d) systems. The features are sorted by the contribution score (Supplementary Table 5). We used an integrated gradients (IG) method to calculate the contribution score for each input feature for each trajectory and then summed over all trajectories with cancer diagnosis within the indicated time interval.

图5 | 疾病轨迹的预测能力和特征贡献。




Table 1 | Characteristics of the Danish and US-VA datasets knowledge and limit the input for training to known risk factors—that is, diseases that have been reported to be indicative of the likely occur rence of pancreatic cancer11,39. We found that prediction performance with the subset of ICD codes for 23 known risk factors reduces predic tion accuracy of the Transformer model to AUROC = 0.838 compared to AUROC = 0.879 for all diagnosis codes, and, therefore, we used the latter (ICD level-3, 2,000 disease codes) throughout the rest of thework (Fig. 3e,f and Supplementary Table 4).

表1 | 丹麦和美国退伍军人事务部数据集的特点

将知识限定在已知风险因素上,并将训练输入限制为已知的风险因素——即,已被报道可能预示胰腺癌发生的疾病。我们发现,使用23个已知风险因素的ICD代码子集进行预测,Transformer模型的预测准确性降低到AUROC=0.838,与使用所有诊断代码的AUROC=0.879相比,因此,我们在余下的工作中使用后者(ICD 3级,2,000个疾病代码)(图3e,f和补充表4)。





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