azure怎么安装依赖软件_Azure Application Insights警告我网站上的依赖请求失败

news/2024/5/14 15:16:01/文章来源:


I've been loving Application Insights ever since I hooked it up to my Podcast Site. Application Insights is stupid cheap and provides an unreal number of insights into what's going on in your site. I hooked it up and now I have a nice dashboard showing what's up. It's pretty healthy.

自从将它连接到我的Podcast网站以来,我就一直热爱Application Insights 。 Application Insights愚蠢便宜,可提供大量有关站点中正在发生的事情的见解。 我将其连接起来,现在有了一个不错的仪表板来显示最新情况。 很健康

Here's an interesting view that shows the Availability Test that's checking my site as well as outbound calls (there isn't a lot as I cache aggressively) to SimpleCast where I host my shows.


A chart showing 100% availability

Availability is important, of course, so I set up some tests from a number of locations. I don't want the site to be down in Brazil but up in France, for example.

可用性当然很重要,因此我从多个位置进行了一些测试。 例如,我不希望该网站在巴西开业,而在法国开业。

However, I got an email a week ago that said my site had a sudden rise in failures. Here's the thing, though. When I set up a web test I naively thought I was setting up a "ping." You know, a knock on the door. I figured if the WHOLE SITE was down, they'd tell me.

但是,一周前,我收到一封电子邮件,说我的网站故障突然增多。 不过,这是东西。 设置网络测试时,我天真的认为我正在设置“ ping”。 你知道,敲门。 他们告诉我,我想知道如果整个站点都掉下来了。

Here's my availability for today, along with timing from a bunch of locations world wide.


Check out this email. The site is fine; that is, the primary requests didn't fail. But dependent request did fail! Application Insights noticed that an image referenced on the home page was suddenly a 404! Why suddenly? Because I put the wrong date and time for an episode and it auto-published before I had the guest's headshot!

查看此电子邮件。 该站点很好; 也就是说,主要请求没有失败。 但是依赖请求确实失败了! Application Insights注意到主页上引用的图像突然是404! 为什么突然呢? 因为我为剧集输入了错误的日期和时间,并且在我被客人爆头之前会自动发布!

I wouldn't have noticed this missing image until a user emailed me, so I was impressed that Application Insights gave me the heads up.

在用户向我发送电子邮件之前,我不会注意到该丢失的图像,因此,我对Application Insights给予了我很大的印象。

1 dependant request failed

Here is the chart for that afternoon when I published a bad show. Note that the site is technically up (it was) but a dependent request (a request after the main GET) failed.

这是我发布糟糕的演出那天下午的图表。 请注意,该站点在技术上处于正常运行状态,但是从属请求(主GET之后的请求)失败。

This is a client side failure, right? An image didn't load and it notified me. Cool. I can (and do) also instrument the back end code. Here you can see someone keeps sending me a PUT request, perhaps trying to poke at my site. By the way, random PUT person has been doing this for months.

这是客户端故障,对吗? 图片未加载,并通知了我。 凉。 我可以(也可以)检测后端代码。 在这里,您可以看到有人不断向我发送PUT请求,也许是想戳我的网站。 顺便说一句,随机的PUT人员已经这样做了几个月。

I can also see slowest requests and dig as deep as I want. In fact I did a whole video on digging into Azure Application Insights that's up on YouTube.

我还可以看到最慢的请求,并根据需要深入挖掘。 实际上,我在YouTube上做了一个关于挖掘Azure应用见解的完整视频。

I've been using Application Insights for maybe a year or two now. Its depth continues to astound me. I KNOW I'm not using it to its fullest and I love that I'm still surprised by it.

我现在已经使用Application Insights大约一两年了。 它的深度继续使我震惊。 我知道我没有充分利用它,我仍然为它感到惊讶。

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博客之友:免费了解有关.NET的更多信息? 加入我们的DotNetConf ! 这是2018年9月12日至14日的免费虚拟在线社区会议。 前往https://www.dotnetconf.net了解更多信息并获取“保存日期日历”链接。






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