MMSegmentation V0.27.0训练与推理自己的数据集(二)

news/2024/5/10 0:29:58/文章来源:


如果你想自己转换关键字使用官方存储库的预训练模型,我们还提供了一个脚本swin2mmseg.py在tools directory ,将模型的关键字从官方的repo转换为MMSegmentation风格。

python tools/model_converters/ ${PRETRAIN_PATH} ${STORE_PATH}
python tools/model_converters/ pretrain/swin_base_patch4_window7_224.pth



3、下载Swin Transform预训练模型



ADE20k拥有超过25,000张图像(20ktrain,2k val,3ktest),这些图像用开放字典标签集密集注释。对于2017 Places Challenge 2,选择了覆盖89%所有像素的100个thing和50个stuff类别。

Idx	Ratio	Train	Val	Name
1	0.1576	11664	1172	wall
2	0.1072	6046	612	building, edifice
3	0.0878	8265	796	sky
4	0.0621	9336	917	floor, flooring
5	0.0480	6678	641	tree
6	0.0450	6604	643	ceiling
7	0.0398	4023	408	road, route
8	0.0231	1906	199	bed 
9	0.0198	4688	460	windowpane, window 
10	0.0183	2423	225	grass
11	0.0181	2874	294	cabinet
12	0.0166	3068	310	sidewalk, pavement
13	0.0160	5075	526	person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul
14	0.0151	1804	190	earth, ground
15	0.0118	6666	796	door, double door
16	0.0110	4269	411	table
17	0.0109	1691	160	mountain, mount
18	0.0104	3999	441	plant, flora, plant life
19	0.0104	2149	217	curtain, drape, drapery, mantle, pall
20	0.0103	3261	318	chair
21	0.0098	3164	306	car, auto, automobile, machine, motorcar
22 	0.0074	709	75	water
23	0.0067	3296	315	painting, picture
24 	0.0065	1191	106	sofa, couch, lounge
25 	0.0061	1516	162	shelf
26 	0.0060	667	69	house
27 	0.0053	651	57	sea
28	0.0052	1847	224	mirror
29	0.0046	1158	128	rug, carpet, carpeting
30	0.0044	480	44	field
31	0.0044	1172	98	armchair
32	0.0044	1292	184	seat
33	0.0033	1386	138	fence, fencing
34	0.0031	698	61	desk
35	0.0030	781	73	rock, stone
36	0.0027	380	43	wardrobe, closet, press
37	0.0026	3089	302	lamp
38	0.0024	404	37	bathtub, bathing tub, bath, tub
39	0.0024	804	99	railing, rail
40	0.0023	1453	153	cushion
41	0.0023	411	37	base, pedestal, stand
42	0.0022	1440	162	box
43	0.0022	800	77	column, pillar
44	0.0020	2650	298	signboard, sign
45	0.0019	549	46	chest of drawers, chest, bureau, dresser
46	0.0019	367	36	counter
47	0.0018	311	30	sand
48	0.0018	1181	122	sink
49	0.0018	287	23	skyscraper
50	0.0018	468	38	fireplace, hearth, open fireplace
51	0.0018	402	43	refrigerator, icebox
52	0.0018	130	12	grandstand, covered stand
53	0.0018	561	64	path
54	0.0017	880	102	stairs, steps
55	0.0017	86	12	runway
56	0.0017	172	11	case, display case, showcase, vitrine
57	0.0017	198	18	pool table, billiard table, snooker table
58	0.0017	930	109	pillow
59	0.0015	139	18	screen door, screen
60	0.0015	564	52	stairway, staircase
61	0.0015	320	26	river
62	0.0015	261	29	bridge, span
63	0.0014	275	22	bookcase
64	0.0014	335	60	blind, screen
65	0.0014	792	75	coffee table, cocktail table
66	0.0014	395	49	toilet, can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne
67	0.0014	1309	138	flower
68	0.0013	1112	113	book
69	0.0013	266	27	hill
70	0.0013	659	66	bench
71	0.0012	331	31	countertop
72	0.0012	531	56	stove, kitchen stove, range, kitchen range, cooking stove
73	0.0012	369	36	palm, palm tree
74	0.0012	144	9	kitchen island
75	0.0011	265	29	computer, computing machine, computing device, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system
76	0.0010	324	33	swivel chair
77	0.0009	304	27	boat
78	0.0009	170	20	bar
79	0.0009	68	6	arcade machine
80	0.0009	65	8	hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty
81	0.0009	248	25	bus, autobus, coach, charabanc, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, omnibus, passenger vehicle
82	0.0008	492	49	towel
83	0.0008	2510	269	light, light source
84	0.0008	440	39	truck, motortruck
85	0.0008	147	18	tower
86	0.0008	583	56	chandelier, pendant, pendent
87	0.0007	533	61	awning, sunshade, sunblind
88	0.0007	1989	239	streetlight, street lamp
89	0.0007	71	5	booth, cubicle, stall, kiosk
90	0.0007	618	53	television receiver, television, television set, tv, tv set, idiot box, boob tube, telly, goggle box
91	0.0007	135	12	airplane, aeroplane, plane
92	0.0007	83	5	dirt track
93	0.0007	178	17	apparel, wearing apparel, dress, clothes
94	0.0006	1003	104	pole
95	0.0006	182	12	land, ground, soil
96	0.0006	452	50	bannister, banister, balustrade, balusters, handrail
97	0.0006	42	6	escalator, moving staircase, moving stairway
98	0.0006	307	31	ottoman, pouf, pouffe, puff, hassock
99	0.0006	965	114	bottle
100	0.0006	117	13	buffet, counter, sideboard
101	0.0006	354	35	poster, posting, placard, notice, bill, card
102	0.0006	108	9	stage
103	0.0006	557	55	van
104	0.0006	52	4	ship
105	0.0005	99	5	fountain
106	0.0005	57	4	conveyer belt, conveyor belt, conveyer, conveyor, transporter
107	0.0005	292	31	canopy
108	0.0005	77	9	washer, automatic washer, washing machine
109	0.0005	340	38	plaything, toy
110	0.0005	66	3	swimming pool, swimming bath, natatorium
111	0.0005	465	49	stool
112	0.0005	50	4	barrel, cask
113	0.0005	622	75	basket, handbasket
114	0.0005	80	9	waterfall, falls
115	0.0005	59	3	tent, collapsible shelter
116	0.0005	531	72	bag
117	0.0005	282	30	minibike, motorbike
118	0.0005	73	7	cradle
119	0.0005	435	44	oven
120	0.0005	136	25	ball
121	0.0005	116	24	food, solid food
122	0.0004	266	31	step, stair
123	0.0004	58	12	tank, storage tank
124	0.0004	418	83	trade name, brand name, brand, marque
125	0.0004	319	43	microwave, microwave oven
126	0.0004	1193	139	pot, flowerpot
127	0.0004	97	23	animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
128	0.0004	347	36	bicycle, bike, wheel, cycle 
129	0.0004	52	5	lake
130	0.0004	246	22	dishwasher, dish washer, dishwashing machine
131	0.0004	108	13	screen, silver screen, projection screen
132	0.0004	201	30	blanket, cover
133	0.0004	285	21	sculpture
134	0.0004	268	27	hood, exhaust hood
135	0.0003	1020	108	sconce
136	0.0003	1282	122	vase
137	0.0003	528	65	traffic light, traffic signal, stoplight
138	0.0003	453	57	tray
139	0.0003	671	100	ashcan, trash can, garbage can, wastebin, ash bin, ash-bin, ashbin, dustbin, trash barrel, trash bin
140	0.0003	397	44	fan
141	0.0003	92	8	pier, wharf, wharfage, dock
142	0.0003	228	18	crt screen
143	0.0003	570	59	plate
144	0.0003	217	22	monitor, monitoring device
145	0.0003	206	19	bulletin board, notice board
146	0.0003	130	14	shower
147	0.0003	178	28	radiator
148	0.0002	504	57	glass, drinking glass
149	0.0002	775	96	clock
150	0.0002	421	56	flag

├── mmseg
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│ ├── cityscapes
│ │ ├── leftImg8bit
│ │ │ ├── train
│ │ │ ├── val
│ │ ├── gtFine
│ │ │ ├── train
│ │ │ ├── val
│ ├── VOCdevkit
│ │ ├── VOC2012
│ │ │ ├── JPEGImages
│ │ │ ├── SegmentationClass
│ │ │ ├── ImageSets
│ │ │ │ ├── Segmentation
│ │ ├── VOC2010
│ │ │ ├── JPEGImages
│ │ │ ├── SegmentationClassContext
│ │ │ ├── ImageSets
│ │ │ │ ├── SegmentationContext
│ │ │ │ │ ├── train.txt
│ │ │ │ │ ├── val.txt
│ │ │ ├── trainval_merged.json
│ │ ├── VOCaug
│ │ │ ├── dataset
│ │ │ │ ├── cls
│ ├── ade
│ │ ├── ADEChallengeData2016
│ │ │ ├── annotations
│ │ │ │ ├── training
│ │ │ │ ├── validation
│ │ │ ├── images
│ │ │ │ ├── training
│ │ │ │ ├── validation

5、 修改基本配置文件


_base_ = ['../_base_/models/', '../_base_/datasets/','../_base_/', '../_base_/schedules/'
checkpoint_file = ''  # noqa
model = dict(backbone=dict(init_cfg=dict(type='Pretrained', checkpoint=checkpoint_file),embed_dims=96,depths=[2, 2, 6, 2],num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24],window_size=7,use_abs_pos_embed=False,drop_path_rate=0.3,patch_norm=True),decode_head=dict(in_channels=[96, 192, 384, 768], num_classes=150),auxiliary_head=dict(in_channels=384, num_classes=150))# AdamW optimizer, no weight decay for position embedding & layer norm
# in backbone
optimizer = dict(_delete_=True,type='AdamW',lr=0.00006,betas=(0.9, 0.999),weight_decay=0.01,paramwise_cfg=dict(custom_keys={'absolute_pos_embed': dict(decay_mult=0.),'relative_position_bias_table': dict(decay_mult=0.),'norm': dict(decay_mult=0.)}))lr_config = dict(_delete_=True,policy='poly',warmup='linear',warmup_iters=1500,warmup_ratio=1e-6,power=1.0,min_lr=0.0,by_epoch=False)# By default, models are trained on 8 GPUs with 2 images per GPU
data = dict(samples_per_gpu=2)


_base_ = ['../_base_/models/', '../_base_/datasets/','../_base_/', '../_base_/schedules/'
checkpoint_file = ''  # noqa,这个可以下载后,加载下载后的路径
model = dict(backbone=dict(init_cfg=dict(type='Pretrained', checkpoint=checkpoint_file),embed_dims=96,depths=[2, 2, 6, 2],num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24],window_size=7,use_abs_pos_embed=False,drop_path_rate=0.3,patch_norm=True),decode_head=dict(in_channels=[96, 192, 384, 768], num_classes=150),auxiliary_head=dict(in_channels=384, num_classes=150))#num_classes修改为自己的数据类别数,不包括背景,背景自动为0# AdamW optimizer, no weight decay for position embedding & layer norm
# in backbone
optimizer = dict(_delete_=True,type='AdamW',lr=0.00006,betas=(0.9, 0.999),weight_decay=0.01,paramwise_cfg=dict(custom_keys={'absolute_pos_embed': dict(decay_mult=0.),'relative_position_bias_table': dict(decay_mult=0.),'norm': dict(decay_mult=0.)}))lr_config = dict(_delete_=True,policy='poly',warmup='linear',warmup_iters=1500,warmup_ratio=1e-6,power=1.0,min_lr=0.0,by_epoch=False)# By default, models are trained on 8 GPUs with 2 images per GPU
data = dict(samples_per_gpu=2)


# dataset settings
dataset_type = 'ADE20KDataset'
data_root = 'data/ade/ADEChallengeData2016' #1、修改为自己的数据路径
img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], to_rgb=True)
crop_size = (512, 512) #2、修改为自己的数据的尺寸
train_pipeline = [dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'),dict(type='LoadAnnotations', reduce_zero_label=True),dict(type='Resize', img_scale=(2048, 512), ratio_range=(0.5, 2.0)),#根据img_crop调整img_scaledict(type='RandomCrop', crop_size=crop_size, cat_max_ratio=0.75),dict(type='RandomFlip', prob=0.5),dict(type='PhotoMetricDistortion'),dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),dict(type='Pad', size=crop_size, pad_val=0, seg_pad_val=255),dict(type='DefaultFormatBundle'),dict(type='Collect', keys=['img', 'gt_semantic_seg']),
test_pipeline = [dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'),dict(type='MultiScaleFlipAug',img_scale=(2048, 512),# img_ratios=[0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75],flip=False,transforms=[dict(type='Resize', keep_ratio=True),dict(type='RandomFlip'),dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg),dict(type='ImageToTensor', keys=['img']),dict(type='Collect', keys=['img']),])
data = dict(samples_per_gpu=4,workers_per_gpu=4,train=dict(type=dataset_type,data_root=data_root,img_dir='images/training',ann_dir='annotations/training',pipeline=train_pipeline),val=dict(type=dataset_type,data_root=data_root,img_dir='images/validation',ann_dir='annotations/validation',pipeline=test_pipeline),test=dict(type=dataset_type,data_root=data_root,img_dir='images/validation',ann_dir='annotations/validation',pipeline=test_pipeline))

3 修该类别名称CLASSES以及后缀名(mmseg/datasets/、mmseg/datasets/

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as ospimport mmcv
import numpy as np
from PIL import Imagefrom .builder import DATASETS
from .custom import CustomDataset@DATASETS.register_module()
class ADE20KDataset(CustomDataset):"""ADE20K dataset.In segmentation map annotation for ADE20K, 0 stands for background, whichis not included in 150 categories. ``reduce_zero_label`` is fixed to True.The ``img_suffix`` is fixed to '.jpg' and ``seg_map_suffix`` is fixed to'.png'."""CLASSES = ('wall', 'building', 'sky', 'floor', 'tree', 'ceiling', 'road', 'bed ','windowpane', 'grass', 'cabinet', 'sidewalk', 'person', 'earth','door', 'table', 'mountain', 'plant', 'curtain', 'chair', 'car','water', 'painting', 'sofa', 'shelf', 'house', 'sea', 'mirror', 'rug','field', 'armchair', 'seat', 'fence', 'desk', 'rock', 'wardrobe','lamp', 'bathtub', 'railing', 'cushion', 'base', 'box', 'column','signboard', 'chest of drawers', 'counter', 'sand', 'sink','skyscraper', 'fireplace', 'refrigerator', 'grandstand', 'path','stairs', 'runway', 'case', 'pool table', 'pillow', 'screen door','stairway', 'river', 'bridge', 'bookcase', 'blind', 'coffee table','toilet', 'flower', 'book', 'hill', 'bench', 'countertop', 'stove','palm', 'kitchen island', 'computer', 'swivel chair', 'boat', 'bar','arcade machine', 'hovel', 'bus', 'towel', 'light', 'truck', 'tower','chandelier', 'awning', 'streetlight', 'booth', 'television receiver','airplane', 'dirt track', 'apparel', 'pole', 'land', 'bannister','escalator', 'ottoman', 'bottle', 'buffet', 'poster', 'stage', 'van','ship', 'fountain', 'conveyer belt', 'canopy', 'washer', 'plaything','swimming pool', 'stool', 'barrel', 'basket', 'waterfall', 'tent','bag', 'minibike', 'cradle', 'oven', 'ball', 'food', 'step', 'tank','trade name', 'microwave', 'pot', 'animal', 'bicycle', 'lake','dishwasher', 'screen', 'blanket', 'sculpture', 'hood', 'sconce','vase', 'traffic light', 'tray', 'ashcan', 'fan', 'pier', 'crt screen','plate', 'monitor', 'bulletin board', 'shower', 'radiator', 'glass','clock', 'flag')#修改为自己数据集的类别名称PALETTE = [[120, 120, 120], [180, 120, 120], [6, 230, 230], [80, 50, 50],[4, 200, 3], [120, 120, 80], [140, 140, 140], [204, 5, 255],[230, 230, 230], [4, 250, 7], [224, 5, 255], [235, 255, 7],[150, 5, 61], [120, 120, 70], [8, 255, 51], [255, 6, 82],[143, 255, 140], [204, 255, 4], [255, 51, 7], [204, 70, 3],[0, 102, 200], [61, 230, 250], [255, 6, 51], [11, 102, 255],[255, 7, 71], [255, 9, 224], [9, 7, 230], [220, 220, 220],[255, 9, 92], [112, 9, 255], [8, 255, 214], [7, 255, 224],[255, 184, 6], [10, 255, 71], [255, 41, 10], [7, 255, 255],[224, 255, 8], [102, 8, 255], [255, 61, 6], [255, 194, 7],[255, 122, 8], [0, 255, 20], [255, 8, 41], [255, 5, 153],[6, 51, 255], [235, 12, 255], [160, 150, 20], [0, 163, 255],[140, 140, 140], [250, 10, 15], [20, 255, 0], [31, 255, 0],[255, 31, 0], [255, 224, 0], [153, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255],[255, 71, 0], [0, 235, 255], [0, 173, 255], [31, 0, 255],[11, 200, 200], [255, 82, 0], [0, 255, 245], [0, 61, 255],[0, 255, 112], [0, 255, 133], [255, 0, 0], [255, 163, 0],[255, 102, 0], [194, 255, 0], [0, 143, 255], [51, 255, 0],[0, 82, 255], [0, 255, 41], [0, 255, 173], [10, 0, 255],[173, 255, 0], [0, 255, 153], [255, 92, 0], [255, 0, 255],[255, 0, 245], [255, 0, 102], [255, 173, 0], [255, 0, 20],[255, 184, 184], [0, 31, 255], [0, 255, 61], [0, 71, 255],[255, 0, 204], [0, 255, 194], [0, 255, 82], [0, 10, 255],[0, 112, 255], [51, 0, 255], [0, 194, 255], [0, 122, 255],[0, 255, 163], [255, 153, 0], [0, 255, 10], [255, 112, 0],[143, 255, 0], [82, 0, 255], [163, 255, 0], [255, 235, 0],[8, 184, 170], [133, 0, 255], [0, 255, 92], [184, 0, 255],[255, 0, 31], [0, 184, 255], [0, 214, 255], [255, 0, 112],[92, 255, 0], [0, 224, 255], [112, 224, 255], [70, 184, 160],[163, 0, 255], [153, 0, 255], [71, 255, 0], [255, 0, 163],[255, 204, 0], [255, 0, 143], [0, 255, 235], [133, 255, 0],[255, 0, 235], [245, 0, 255], [255, 0, 122], [255, 245, 0],[10, 190, 212], [214, 255, 0], [0, 204, 255], [20, 0, 255],[255, 255, 0], [0, 153, 255], [0, 41, 255], [0, 255, 204],[41, 0, 255], [41, 255, 0], [173, 0, 255], [0, 245, 255],[71, 0, 255], [122, 0, 255], [0, 255, 184], [0, 92, 255],[184, 255, 0], [0, 133, 255], [255, 214, 0], [25, 194, 194],[102, 255, 0], [92, 0, 255]] #同理可以修改颜色def __init__(self, **kwargs):super(ADE20KDataset, self).__init__(img_suffix='.jpg', #可以修改数据集的后缀格式seg_map_suffix='.png',#可以修改数据集标签的后缀格式reduce_zero_label=True,**kwargs)def results2img(self, results, imgfile_prefix, to_label_id, indices=None):"""Write the segmentation results to images.Args:results (list[ndarray]): Testing results of thedataset.imgfile_prefix (str): The filename prefix of the png files.If the prefix is "somepath/xxx",the png files will be named "somepath/xxx.png".to_label_id (bool): whether convert output to label_id forsubmission.indices (list[int], optional): Indices of input results, if notset, all the indices of the dataset will be used.Default: None.Returns:list[str: str]: result txt files which contains correspondingsemantic segmentation images."""if indices is None:indices = list(range(len(self)))mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(imgfile_prefix)result_files = []for result, idx in zip(results, indices):filename = self.img_infos[idx]['filename']basename = osp.splitext(osp.basename(filename))[0]png_filename = osp.join(imgfile_prefix, f'{basename}.png')#这里可以修改.png# The  index range of official requirement is from 0 to 150.# But the index range of output is from 0 to 149.# That is because we set reduce_zero_label=True.result = result + 1output = Image.fromarray(result.astype(np.uint8)) result_filesdef format_results(self,results,imgfile_prefix,to_label_id=True,indices=None):"""Format the results into dir (standard format for ade20k evaluation).Args:results (list): Testing results of the dataset.imgfile_prefix (str | None): The prefix of images files. Itincludes the file path and the prefix of filename, e.g.,"a/b/prefix".to_label_id (bool): whether convert output to label_id forsubmission. Default: Falseindices (list[int], optional): Indices of input results, if notset, all the indices of the dataset will be used.Default: None.Returns:tuple: (result_files, tmp_dir), result_files is a list containingthe image paths, tmp_dir is the temporal directory createdfor saving json/png files when img_prefix is not specified."""if indices is None:indices = list(range(len(self)))assert isinstance(results, list), 'results must be a list.'assert isinstance(indices, list), 'indices must be a list.'result_files = self.results2img(results, imgfile_prefix, to_label_id,indices)return result_files



# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os.path as osp
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDictimport mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import print_log
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from import Datasetfrom mmseg.core import eval_metrics, intersect_and_union, pre_eval_to_metrics
from mmseg.utils import get_root_logger
from .builder import DATASETS
from .pipelines import Compose, LoadAnnotations@DATASETS.register_module()
class CustomDataset(Dataset):"""Custom dataset for semantic segmentation. An example of file structureis as followed... code-block:: none├── data│   ├── my_dataset│   │   ├── img_dir│   │   │   ├── train│   │   │   │   ├── xxx{img_suffix}│   │   │   │   ├── yyy{img_suffix}│   │   │   │   ├── zzz{img_suffix}│   │   │   ├── val│   │   ├── ann_dir│   │   │   ├── train│   │   │   │   ├── xxx{seg_map_suffix}│   │   │   │   ├── yyy{seg_map_suffix}│   │   │   │   ├── zzz{seg_map_suffix}│   │   │   ├── valThe img/gt_semantic_seg pair of CustomDataset should be of the sameexcept suffix. A valid img/gt_semantic_seg filename pair should be like``xxx{img_suffix}`` and ``xxx{seg_map_suffix}`` (extension is also includedin the suffix). If split is given, then ``xxx`` is specified in txt file.Otherwise, all files in ``img_dir/``and ``ann_dir`` will be loaded.Please refer to ``docs/en/tutorials/`` for more details.Args:pipeline (list[dict]): Processing pipelineimg_dir (str): Path to image directoryimg_suffix (str): Suffix of images. Default: '.jpg'ann_dir (str, optional): Path to annotation directory. Default: Noneseg_map_suffix (str): Suffix of segmentation maps. Default: '.png'split (str, optional): Split txt file. If split is specified, onlyfile with suffix in the splits will be loaded. Otherwise, allimages in img_dir/ann_dir will be loaded. Default: Nonedata_root (str, optional): Data root for img_dir/ann_dir. Default:None.test_mode (bool): If test_mode=True, gt wouldn't be loaded.ignore_index (int): The label index to be ignored. Default: 255reduce_zero_label (bool): Whether to mark label zero as ignored.Default: Falseclasses (str | Sequence[str], optional): Specify classes to load.If is None, ``cls.CLASSES`` will be used. Default: None.palette (Sequence[Sequence[int]]] | np.ndarray | None):The palette of segmentation map. If None is given, andself.PALETTE is None, random palette will be generated.Default: Nonegt_seg_map_loader_cfg (dict, optional): build LoadAnnotations toload gt for evaluation, load from disk by default. Default: None.file_client_args (dict): Arguments to instantiate a FileClient.See :class:`mmcv.fileio.FileClient` for details.Defaults to ``dict(backend='disk')``."""CLASSES = NonePALETTE = Nonedef __init__(self,pipeline,img_dir,img_suffix='.jpg',#修改ann_dir=None,seg_map_suffix='.png',修改split=None,data_root=None,test_mode=False,ignore_index=255,reduce_zero_label=False,classes=None,palette=None,gt_seg_map_loader_cfg=None,file_client_args=dict(backend='disk')):self.pipeline = Compose(pipeline)self.img_dir = img_dirself.img_suffix = img_suffixself.ann_dir = ann_dirself.seg_map_suffix = seg_map_suffixself.split = splitself.data_root = data_rootself.test_mode = test_modeself.ignore_index = ignore_indexself.reduce_zero_label = reduce_zero_labelself.label_map = Noneself.CLASSES, self.PALETTE = self.get_classes_and_palette(classes, palette)self.gt_seg_map_loader = LoadAnnotations() if gt_seg_map_loader_cfg is None else LoadAnnotations(**gt_seg_map_loader_cfg)self.file_client_args = file_client_argsself.file_client = mmcv.FileClient.infer_client(self.file_client_args)if test_mode:assert self.CLASSES is not None, \'`cls.CLASSES` or `classes` should be specified when testing'# join paths if data_root is specifiedif self.data_root is not None:if not osp.isabs(self.img_dir):self.img_dir = osp.join(self.data_root, self.img_dir)if not (self.ann_dir is None or osp.isabs(self.ann_dir)):self.ann_dir = osp.join(self.data_root, self.ann_dir)if not (self.split is None or osp.isabs(self.split)):self.split = osp.join(self.data_root, self.split)# load annotationsself.img_infos = self.load_annotations(self.img_dir, self.img_suffix,self.ann_dir,self.seg_map_suffix, self.split)def __len__(self):"""Total number of samples of data."""return len(self.img_infos)def load_annotations(self, img_dir, img_suffix, ann_dir, seg_map_suffix,split):"""Load annotation from directory.Args:img_dir (str): Path to image directoryimg_suffix (str): Suffix of images.ann_dir (str|None): Path to annotation directory.seg_map_suffix (str|None): Suffix of segmentation maps.split (str|None): Split txt file. If split is specified, only filewith suffix in the splits will be loaded. Otherwise, all imagesin img_dir/ann_dir will be loaded. Default: NoneReturns:list[dict]: All image info of dataset."""img_infos = []if split is not None:lines = mmcv.list_from_file(split, file_client_args=self.file_client_args)for line in lines:img_name = line.strip()img_info = dict(filename=img_name + img_suffix)if ann_dir is not None:seg_map = img_name + seg_map_suffiximg_info['ann'] = dict(seg_map=seg_map)img_infos.append(img_info)else:for img in self.file_client.list_dir_or_file(dir_path=img_dir,list_dir=False,suffix=img_suffix,recursive=True):img_info = dict(filename=img)if ann_dir is not None:seg_map = img.replace(img_suffix, seg_map_suffix)img_info['ann'] = dict(seg_map=seg_map)img_infos.append(img_info)img_infos = sorted(img_infos, key=lambda x: x['filename'])print_log(f'Loaded {len(img_infos)} images', logger=get_root_logger())return img_infosdef get_ann_info(self, idx):"""Get annotation by index.Args:idx (int): Index of data.Returns:dict: Annotation info of specified index."""return self.img_infos[idx]['ann']def pre_pipeline(self, results):"""Prepare results dict for pipeline."""results['seg_fields'] = []results['img_prefix'] = self.img_dirresults['seg_prefix'] = self.ann_dirif self.custom_classes:results['label_map'] = self.label_mapdef __getitem__(self, idx):"""Get training/test data after pipeline.Args:idx (int): Index of data.Returns:dict: Training/test data (with annotation if `test_mode` is setFalse)."""if self.test_mode:return self.prepare_test_img(idx)else:return self.prepare_train_img(idx)def prepare_train_img(self, idx):"""Get training data and annotations after pipeline.Args:idx (int): Index of data.Returns:dict: Training data and annotation after pipeline with new keysintroduced by pipeline."""img_info = self.img_infos[idx]ann_info = self.get_ann_info(idx)results = dict(img_info=img_info, ann_info=ann_info)self.pre_pipeline(results)return self.pipeline(results)def prepare_test_img(self, idx):"""Get testing data after pipeline.Args:idx (int): Index of data.Returns:dict: Testing data after pipeline with new keys introduced bypipeline."""img_info = self.img_infos[idx]results = dict(img_info=img_info)self.pre_pipeline(results)return self.pipeline(results)def format_results(self, results, imgfile_prefix, indices=None, **kwargs):"""Place holder to format result to dataset specific output."""raise NotImplementedErrordef get_gt_seg_map_by_idx(self, index):"""Get one ground truth segmentation map for evaluation."""ann_info = self.get_ann_info(index)results = dict(ann_info=ann_info)self.pre_pipeline(results)self.gt_seg_map_loader(results)return results['gt_semantic_seg']def get_gt_seg_maps(self, efficient_test=None):"""Get ground truth segmentation maps for evaluation."""if efficient_test is not None:warnings.warn('DeprecationWarning: ``efficient_test`` has been deprecated ''since MMSeg v0.16, the ``get_gt_seg_maps()`` is CPU memory ''friendly by default. ')for idx in range(len(self)):ann_info = self.get_ann_info(idx)results = dict(ann_info=ann_info)self.pre_pipeline(results)self.gt_seg_map_loader(results)yield results['gt_semantic_seg']def pre_eval(self, preds, indices):"""Collect eval result from each iteration.Args:preds (list[torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor): the segmentation logitafter argmax, shape (N, H, W).indices (list[int] | int): the prediction related ground truthindices.Returns:list[torch.Tensor]: (area_intersect, area_union, area_prediction,area_ground_truth)."""# In order to compat with batch inferenceif not isinstance(indices, list):indices = [indices]if not isinstance(preds, list):preds = [preds]pre_eval_results = []for pred, index in zip(preds, indices):seg_map = self.get_gt_seg_map_by_idx(index)pre_eval_results.append(intersect_and_union(pred,seg_map,len(self.CLASSES),self.ignore_index,# as the labels has been converted when dataset initialized# in `get_palette_for_custom_classes ` this `label_map`# should be `dict()`, see# for more ditailslabel_map=dict(),reduce_zero_label=self.reduce_zero_label))return pre_eval_resultsdef get_classes_and_palette(self, classes=None, palette=None):"""Get class names of current dataset.Args:classes (Sequence[str] | str | None): If classes is None, usedefault CLASSES defined by builtin dataset. If classes is astring, take it as a file name. The file contains the name ofclasses where each line contains one class name. If classes isa tuple or list, override the CLASSES defined by the dataset.palette (Sequence[Sequence[int]]] | np.ndarray | None):The palette of segmentation map. If None is given, randompalette will be generated. Default: None"""if classes is None:self.custom_classes = Falsereturn self.CLASSES, self.PALETTEself.custom_classes = Trueif isinstance(classes, str):# take it as a file pathclass_names = mmcv.list_from_file(classes)elif isinstance(classes, (tuple, list)):class_names = classeselse:raise ValueError(f'Unsupported type {type(classes)} of classes.')if self.CLASSES:if not set(class_names).issubset(self.CLASSES):raise ValueError('classes is not a subset of CLASSES.')# dictionary, its keys are the old label ids and its values# are the new label ids.# used for changing pixel labels in load_annotations.self.label_map = {}for i, c in enumerate(self.CLASSES):if c not in class_names:self.label_map[i] = -1else:self.label_map[i] = class_names.index(c)palette = self.get_palette_for_custom_classes(class_names, palette)return class_names, palettedef get_palette_for_custom_classes(self, class_names, palette=None):if self.label_map is not None:# return subset of palettepalette = []for old_id, new_id in sorted(self.label_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):if new_id != -1:palette.append(self.PALETTE[old_id])palette = type(self.PALETTE)(palette)elif palette is None:if self.PALETTE is None:# Get random state before set seed, and restore# random state later.# It will prevent loss of randomness, as the palette# may be different in each iteration if not specified.# See: = np.random.get_state()np.random.seed(42)# random palettepalette = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(len(class_names), 3))np.random.set_state(state)else:palette = self.PALETTEreturn palettedef evaluate(self,results,metric='mIoU',logger=None,gt_seg_maps=None,**kwargs):"""Evaluate the dataset.Args:results (list[tuple[torch.Tensor]] | list[str]): per image pre_evalresults or predict segmentation map for computing evaluationmetric.metric (str | list[str]): Metrics to be evaluated. 'mIoU','mDice' and 'mFscore' are supported.logger (logging.Logger | None | str): Logger used for printingrelated information during evaluation. Default: None.gt_seg_maps (generator[ndarray]): Custom gt seg maps as input,used in ConcatDatasetReturns:dict[str, float]: Default metrics."""if isinstance(metric, str):metric = [metric]allowed_metrics = ['mIoU', 'mDice', 'mFscore']if not set(metric).issubset(set(allowed_metrics)):raise KeyError('metric {} is not supported'.format(metric))eval_results = {}# test a list of filesif mmcv.is_list_of(results, np.ndarray) or mmcv.is_list_of(results, str):if gt_seg_maps is None:gt_seg_maps = self.get_gt_seg_maps()num_classes = len(self.CLASSES)ret_metrics = eval_metrics(results,gt_seg_maps,num_classes,self.ignore_index,metric,label_map=dict(),reduce_zero_label=self.reduce_zero_label)# test a list of pre_eval_resultselse:ret_metrics = pre_eval_to_metrics(results, metric)# Because dataset.CLASSES is required for per-eval.if self.CLASSES is None:class_names = tuple(range(num_classes))else:class_names = self.CLASSES# summary tableret_metrics_summary = OrderedDict({ret_metric: np.round(np.nanmean(ret_metric_value) * 100, 2)for ret_metric, ret_metric_value in ret_metrics.items()})# each class tableret_metrics.pop('aAcc', None)ret_metrics_class = OrderedDict({ret_metric: np.round(ret_metric_value * 100, 2)for ret_metric, ret_metric_value in ret_metrics.items()})ret_metrics_class.update({'Class': class_names})ret_metrics_class.move_to_end('Class', last=False)# for loggerclass_table_data = PrettyTable()for key, val in ret_metrics_class.items():class_table_data.add_column(key, val)summary_table_data = PrettyTable()for key, val in ret_metrics_summary.items():if key == 'aAcc':summary_table_data.add_column(key, [val])else:summary_table_data.add_column('m' + key, [val])print_log('per class results:', logger)print_log('\n' + class_table_data.get_string(), logger=logger)print_log('Summary:', logger)print_log('\n' + summary_table_data.get_string(), logger=logger)# each metric dictfor key, value in ret_metrics_summary.items():if key == 'aAcc':eval_results[key] = value / 100.0else:eval_results['m' + key] = value / 100.0ret_metrics_class.pop('Class', None)for key, value in ret_metrics_class.items():eval_results.update({key + '.' + str(name): value[idx] / 100.0for idx, name in enumerate(class_names)})return eval_results


# yapf:disable
log_config = dict(interval=50,hooks=[dict(type='TextLoggerHook', by_epoch=False),# dict(type='TensorboardLoggerHook') #开启TensorboardLoggerHook# dict(type='PaviLoggerHook') # for internal services])
# yapf:enable
dist_params = dict(backend='nccl')
log_level = 'INFO'
load_from = None  #从给定的路径加载模型作为预先训练的模型,这不会恢复训练。
resume_from = None  #从给定的路径加载模型作为训练后的断点的模型,恢复训练。
workflow = [('train', 1)]
cudnn_benchmark = True


# optimizer
optimizer = dict(type='SGD', lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005)
optimizer_config = dict()
# learning policy
lr_config = dict(policy='poly', power=0.9, min_lr=1e-4, by_epoch=False)
# runtime settings
runner = dict(type='IterBasedRunner', max_iters=160000)#max_iters,模型训练的最大迭代次数
checkpoint_config = dict(by_epoch=False, interval=16000)##interval,模型保存的迭代次数
evaluation = dict(interval=16000, metric='mIoU', pre_eval=True)#interval=16000模型多少间隔训练一次,评估的指标,#save_best='auto'可以保留最好的模型

单个GPU学习率lr= LR*(batch_size/16),LR代表4GPU的学习率


# model settings
norm_cfg = dict(type='SyncBN', requires_grad=True)#这里的norm_cfg中,如果是多卡训练,采用“SyncBN”; 如果是单卡训练,将type修改为'BN'即可。
backbone_norm_cfg = dict(type='LN', requires_grad=True)
model = dict(type='EncoderDecoder',pretrained=None,backbone=dict(type='SwinTransformer',pretrain_img_size=224,embed_dims=96,patch_size=4,window_size=7,mlp_ratio=4,depths=[2, 2, 6, 2],num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24],strides=(4, 2, 2, 2),out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3),qkv_bias=True,qk_scale=None,patch_norm=True,drop_rate=0.,attn_drop_rate=0.,drop_path_rate=0.3,use_abs_pos_embed=False,act_cfg=dict(type='GELU'),norm_cfg=backbone_norm_cfg),decode_head=dict(type='UPerHead',in_channels=[96, 192, 384, 768],in_index=[0, 1, 2, 3],pool_scales=(1, 2, 3, 6),channels=512,dropout_ratio=0.1,num_classes=19,norm_cfg=norm_cfg,align_corners=False,loss_decode=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0)),auxiliary_head=dict(type='FCNHead',in_channels=384,in_index=2,channels=256,num_convs=1,concat_input=False,dropout_ratio=0.1,num_classes=19,norm_cfg=norm_cfg,align_corners=False,loss_decode=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=0.4)),# model training and testing settingstrain_cfg=dict(),test_cfg=dict(mode='whole'))#'whole代表全图推理模式',
#滑窗重叠预测可修改为:test_cfg=dict(mode='slide', crop_size=crop_size, stride=(341, 341))


    # TODO refactordef slide_inference(self, img, img_meta, rescale):"""Inference by sliding-window with overlap.If h_crop > h_img or w_crop > w_img, the small patch will be used todecode without padding."""h_stride, w_stride = self.test_cfg.strideh_crop, w_crop = self.test_cfg.crop_sizebatch_size, _, h_img, w_img = img.size()num_classes = self.num_classesh_grids = max(h_img - h_crop + h_stride - 1, 0) // h_stride + 1w_grids = max(w_img - w_crop + w_stride - 1, 0) // w_stride + 1preds = img.new_zeros((batch_size, num_classes, h_img, w_img))count_mat = img.new_zeros((batch_size, 1, h_img, w_img))for h_idx in range(h_grids):for w_idx in range(w_grids):y1 = h_idx * h_stridex1 = w_idx * w_stridey2 = min(y1 + h_crop, h_img)x2 = min(x1 + w_crop, w_img)y1 = max(y2 - h_crop, 0)x1 = max(x2 - w_crop, 0)crop_img = img[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2]crop_seg_logit = self.encode_decode(crop_img, img_meta)preds += F.pad(crop_seg_logit,(int(x1), int(preds.shape[3] - x2), int(y1),int(preds.shape[2] - y2)))count_mat[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] += 1assert (count_mat == 0).sum() == 0if torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export():# cast count_mat to constant while exporting to ONNXcount_mat = torch.from_numpy(count_mat.cpu().detach().numpy()).to(device=img.device)preds = preds / count_matif rescale:# remove padding arearesize_shape = img_meta[0]['img_shape'][:2]preds = preds[:, :, :resize_shape[0], :resize_shape[1]]preds = resize(preds,size=img_meta[0]['ori_shape'][:2],mode='bilinear',align_corners=self.align_corners,warning=False)return preds



在语义分割中,一些方法使头部的 LR 大于骨干,以实现更好的性能或更快的收敛。
在 MMSegmentation 中,您可以在配置中添加以下行,以使 head 的 LR 是主干的 10 倍。通过此修改,任何具有 LR名称的参数组的 LR’head’都将乘以 10。

Different Learning Rate(LR) for Backbone and Heads
n MMSegmentation, you may add following lines to config to make the LR of heads 10 times of backbone.optimizer=dict(paramwise_cfg = dict(custom_keys={'head': dict(lr_mult=10.)}))

2、Online Hard Example Mining (OHEM)

我们在这里实现像素采样器用于训练采样。这是一个启用 OHEM 的 PSPNet 训练示例配置。
这样,只使用置信度分数低于 0.7 的像素进行训练。我们在训练期间至少保留 100000 像素。如果thresh未指定,min_kept将选择顶部丢失的像素。

Online Hard Example Mining (OHEM)
We implement pixel sampler here for training sampling. Here is an example config of training PSPNet with OHEM enabled._base_ = './'
model=dict(decode_head=dict(sampler=dict(type='OHEMPixelSampler', thresh=0.7, min_kept=100000)) )


对于类别分布不平衡的数据集,您可以更改每个类别的损失权重。这是城市景观数据集的示例。class_weight 将作为weight参数传入CrossEntropyLoss

_base_ = './'
model=dict(decode_head=dict(loss_decode=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0,# DeepLab used this class weight for cityscapesclass_weight=[0.8373, 0.9180, 0.8660, 1.0345, 1.0166, 0.9969, 0.9754,1.0489, 0.8786, 1.0023, 0.9539, 0.9843, 1.1116, 0.9037,1.0865, 1.0955, 1.0865, 1.1529, 1.0507])))


对于损失计算,我们支持同时进行多个损失训练。unet这是一个在数据集上训练的示例配置DRIVE,其损失函数是1:3和 的加权CrossEntropyLoss和DiceLoss:

_base_ = './'
model = dict(decode_head=dict(loss_decode=[dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', loss_name='loss_ce', loss_weight=1.0),dict(type='DiceLoss', loss_name='loss_dice', loss_weight=3.0)]),auxiliary_head=dict(loss_decode=[dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', loss_name='loss_ce',loss_weight=1.0),dict(type='DiceLoss', loss_name='loss_dice', loss_weight=3.0)]),)



对于损失计算,我们支持通过avg_non_ignore和忽略某些标签的索引ignore_index。这样,平均损失只会在非忽略标签中计算,可能会获得更好的性能,这里是参考。unet这是数据集训练的示例配置Cityscapes:在损失计算中,它将忽略作为背景的标签 0,并且仅在非忽略标签上计算损失平均值:

_base_ = './'
model = dict(decode_head=dict(ignore_index=0,loss_decode=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, avg_non_ignore=True),auxiliary_head=dict(ignore_index=0,loss_decode=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, avg_non_ignore=True)),))


# model settings
...loss_decode=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, avg_non_ignore=True),





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Kafka为了增加系统的伸缩性(Scalability),引入了分区(Partitioning)的概念。 Kafka 中的分区机制指的是将每个主题划分成多个分区(Partition),每个分区是一组有序的消息日志。主题下的每条消息只会保存在某一个分区中,…

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文章目录运行机制两种指令两种状态两种程序操作系统内核内核在计算机的系统中的层次结构内核的功能时钟管理(基本功能)中断机制(基本功能)原语(基本功能)对资源的进行管理的功能运行机制 两种指令 指令和…




前言 闭包对于一个长期写 Java 的开发者来说估计鲜有耳闻,我在写 Python 和 Go 之前也是没怎么了解,光这名字感觉就有点"神秘莫测",这篇文章的主要目的就是从编译器的角度来分析闭包,彻底搞懂闭包的实现原理。 函数一等公民 一门语言在实现闭包之前首先要具有的特…


质量管理是施工企业风险控制的重要组成部分。本文从有序的生产过程控制,提高企业质量意识出发,结合贯彻ISO9001标准及50430规范的企业贯标工作,分阶段研究和分析施工企业工程项目部质量管理体系的控制要点。 质量是企业的生命线,…




项目运行 环境配置: Jdk1.8 Tomcat7.0 Mysql HBuilderX(Webstorm也行) Eclispe(IntelliJ IDEA,Eclispe,MyEclispe,Sts都支持)。 项目技术: SSM mybatis Maven Vue 等等组成,B/S模式 M…

React 状态管理器,我是这样选的

前言 我们的前端团队在一直深度使用 React ,从最早的 CRA ,到后来切换到 umijs ,从 1.x、2.x、3.x 再到现在的 4.x,其中有一点不变的,就是我们一直在使用基于 react-redux 思想的 dva 作为状态管理工具。 在状态共享这…