pytorch 中RNN接口参数

news/2024/7/27 7:30:27/文章来源:


rnn = torch.nn.RNN(input_size: int,hidden_size: int,num_layers: int = 1,nonlinearity: str = 'tanh',bias: bool = True,batch_first: bool = False,dropout: float = 0.0,bidirectional: bool = False,

input_size (int):输入序列中每个时间步的特征维度。

hidden_size (int):隐藏状态(记忆单元)的维度。

num_layers (int, 默认为1):RNN 层的堆叠数量。

nonlinearity (str, 默认为’tanh’):激活函数的选择,可以是 ‘tanh’ 或 ‘relu’。不过在标准 RNN 中通常使用 ‘tanh’。

bias (bool, 默认为True):是否在计算中包含偏置项。

batch_first (bool, 默认为False):如果设为 True,则输入和输出张量的第一个维度将被视为批次大小,而不是时间步长。即数据格式为 (batch_size, seq_len, input_size) 而不是 (seq_len, batch, input_size)。

dropout (float, 默认为0.0):应用于隐层到隐层之间的失活率,用于正则化以防止过拟合。只有当 num_layers > 1 时才会生效。

bidirectional (bool, 默认为False):若设置为 True,将会创建一个双向 RNN,这样模型可以同时处理过去和未来的上下文信息。
注意torch.nn.RNN 本身并不直接支持双向模式;要实现双向RNN,应使用 torch.nn.Bidirectional 包装器包裹一个单向RNN。

outputs, hn = rnn(...)

outputs: Tensor 如果batch_first=True,则为则为 (batch_size, seq_len, num_directions * hidden_size)。否则 (seq_len, batch_size, num_directions * hidden_size);
RNN 对输入序列每个时间步的输出。对于双向 RNN,num_directions 为2,输出是正向和反向隐藏状态的串联或拼接结果。

hn: Tensor (h_n 或 hidden):形状(num_layers * num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)
最后一个时间步的隐藏状态(或者在双向情况下,正向和反向隐藏状态)。等价 output[:, -1, :]


import torch.nn as nn
import torchbatch_size = 2
seq_len = 7
input_size = 5
hidden_size = 3
num_layers = 1rnn = nn.RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, nonlinearity="tanh", batch_first=True)# (batch_size, seq_len, input_size) 来两个样本为一批,每个样本在时序上分7步,每一步的维度是5
input = torch.randn(batch_size, seq_len, input_size)# (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size) torch源码默认全零,建议使用默认值
h0 = torch.randn(1, 2, 3)# output = (batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size)
# hn = (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)
# hn 每一个样本最后一步的信息,等价 output[:,-1,:]
# !!注意此处变量的维度大小都是基于本例计算的,并不是实际计算公式!!
output, hn = rnn(input, h0)
# print(output)
print(output.shape)  # torch.Size([2, 7, 3])
# print(hn)
print(hn.shape)  # torch.Size([1, 2, 3])
# print(output[:, -1, :])


class RNN(RNNBase):
r"""Applies a multi-layer Elman RNN with :math:`\tanh` or :math:`\text{ReLU}` non-linearity to an
input sequence.
For each element in the input sequence, each layer computes the following
.. math::h_t = \tanh(x_t W_{ih}^T + b_{ih} + h_{t-1}W_{hh}^T + b_{hh})
where :math:`h_t` is the hidden state at time `t`, :math:`x_t` is
the input at time `t`, and :math:`h_{(t-1)}` is the hidden state of the
previous layer at time `t-1` or the initial hidden state at time `0`.
If :attr:`nonlinearity` is ``'relu'``, then :math:`\text{ReLU}` is used instead of :math:`\tanh`.Args:input_size: The number of expected features in the input `x`hidden_size: The number of features in the hidden state `h`num_layers: Number of recurrent layers. E.g., setting ``num_layers=2``would mean stacking two RNNs together to form a `stacked RNN`,with the second RNN taking in outputs of the first RNN andcomputing the final results. Default: 1nonlinearity: The non-linearity to use. Can be either ``'tanh'`` or ``'relu'``. Default: ``'tanh'``bias: If ``False``, then the layer does not use bias weights `b_ih` and `b_hh`.Default: ``True``batch_first: If ``True``, then the input and output tensors are providedas `(batch, seq, feature)` instead of `(seq, batch, feature)`.Note that this does not apply to hidden or cell states. See theInputs/Outputs sections below for details.  Default: ``False``dropout: If non-zero, introduces a `Dropout` layer on the outputs of eachRNN layer except the last layer, with dropout probability equal to:attr:`dropout`. Default: 0bidirectional: If ``True``, becomes a bidirectional RNN. Default: ``False``Inputs: input, h_0* **input**: tensor of shape :math:`(L, H_{in})` for unbatched input,:math:`(L, N, H_{in})` when ``batch_first=False`` or:math:`(N, L, H_{in})` when ``batch_first=True`` containing the features ofthe input sequence.  The input can also be a packed variable length sequence.See :func:`torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence` or:func:`torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_sequence` for details.* **h_0**: tensor of shape :math:`(D * \text{num\_layers}, H_{out})` for unbatched input or:math:`(D * \text{num\_layers}, N, H_{out})` containing the initial hiddenstate for the input sequence batch. Defaults to zeros if not provided.where:.. math::\begin{aligned}N ={} & \text{batch size} \\L ={} & \text{sequence length} \\D ={} & 2 \text{ if bidirectional=True otherwise } 1 \\H_{in} ={} & \text{input\_size} \\H_{out} ={} & \text{hidden\_size}\end{aligned}Outputs: output, h_n* **output**: tensor of shape :math:`(L, D * H_{out})` for unbatched input,:math:`(L, N, D * H_{out})` when ``batch_first=False`` or:math:`(N, L, D * H_{out})` when ``batch_first=True`` containing the output features`(h_t)` from the last layer of the RNN, for each `t`. If a:class:`torch.nn.utils.rnn.PackedSequence` has been given as the input, the outputwill also be a packed sequence.* **h_n**: tensor of shape :math:`(D * \text{num\_layers}, H_{out})` for unbatched input or:math:`(D * \text{num\_layers}, N, H_{out})` containing the final hidden statefor each element in the batch.

参考 torch.nn.RNN 源码接口文档。




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