【C#语言入门】16. 委托详解

news/2024/7/27 11:32:46/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/Cziii/article/details/136531050

【C#语言入门】16. 委托详解


  • 委托(delegate)是函数指针的“升级版”
  • 一切皆地址
    • 变量(数据)是以某个地址为起点的一段内存中所储存的值
    • 函数(算法)是以某个地址为起点的一段内存中所存储的一组机器语言指令
  • 直接调用与间接调用
    • 直接调用:通过函数名来调用函数,CPU通过函数名直接获得函数所在地址并开始执行→返回
    • 间接调用:通过函数指针来调用函数,CPU通过读取函数指针存储的值获得函数所在地址并开始执行→返回
  • Java中没有与委托相对应的功能实体
  • 委托的简单实用
class Program
{static void Main(string[] args){Calculator calculator = new Calculator();Action action = new Action(calculator.Report);//使用了action这个委托指向了calculator.report这个方法calculator.Report();action.Invoke();action();//简便写法Func<int, int, int> func = new Func<int, int, int>(calculator.Add);Func<int, int, int> func = new Func<int, int, int>(calculator.Sub);int x = 100;int y = 50;int z = 0;z = func1.Invoke(x, y);//z = func1(x, y);//简便写法Console.WriteLine(z);z = func2.Invoke(x, y);Console.WriteLine(z);}
}class Calculator
{public void Report(){Console.WriteLine("I have three methods.");}public int Add(int a, int b){int result = a + b;return result;}public int Sub(int a, int b){int result = a - b;return result;}}


  • 委托是一种类(class),类是数据类型所以委托也是一种数据类型
  • 它的声明方式与一般的类不同,主要是为了照顾可读性和C/C++传统
  • 注意声明委托的位置,避免写错地方结果声明成嵌套类型
  • 委托与所封装的方法必须“类型兼容”——》返回值的数据类型一致,参数列表在个数和数据类型上一致(参数名不需要一样)
public delegate double Calc(double x, double y);class Program
{static void Main(string[] args){Calculator calculator = new Calculator();Calc calc1 = new Calc(calculator.Add);Calc calc2 = new Calc(calculator.Sub);Calc calc3 = new Calc(calculator.Mul);Calc calc4 = new Calc(calculator.Div);double a = 100;double b = 200;double c = 0;c = calc1(a, b);Console.WriteLine(c);c = calc2(a, b);Console.WriteLine(c);c = calc3(a, b);Console.WriteLine(c);c = calc4(a, b);Console.WriteLine(c);}
}class Calculator
{public double Add(double a, double b){double result = a + b;return result;}public double Sub(double a, double b){double result = a - b;return result;}public double Mul(double a, double b){double result = a * b;return result;}public double Div(double a, double b){double result = a / b;return result;}


  • 实例:把方法当做参数传给另一个方法
    • 正确使用方法1:模版方法,“借用“指定的外部方法来产生结果,相当于”填空题“,常常位于代码的中部,且此类型委托有返回值。
    • 正确使用方法2:回调(callback)方法,调用指定的外部方法,相当于“流水线”,常位于代码末尾,且此类型委托无返回值。
  • 注意:难精通+易使用+功能强大,一旦被滥用则后果非常严重
    • 缺点1:这是一种方法级别的紧耦合,实现工作中要谨慎使用
    • 缺点2:使可读性下降、debug的难度增加
    • 缺点3:把委托回调、异步调用和多线程纠缠在一起,会让代码变得难以阅读和维护
    • 缺点4:委托使用不当有可能造成内存泄漏和程序性能下降



internal class Program
{static void Main(string[] args){ProductFactory productFactory = new ProductFactory();WarpFactory warpFactory = new WarpFactory();Func<Product> func1 = new Func<Product>(productFactory.MakePizza);Func<Product> func2 = new Func<Product>(productFactory.MakeToyCar);Box box1 = warpFactory.WarpProduct(func1);Box box2 = warpFactory.WarpProduct(func2);Console.WriteLine(box1.Product.Name);Console.WriteLine(box2.Product.Name);}
}class Product
{public string Name { get; set; }
}class Box
{public Product Product { get; set; }
}class WarpFactory
{public Box WarpProduct(Func<Product>getProduct){Box box = new Box();Product product = getProduct.Invoke();box.Product = product;  return box;}
}class ProductFactory
{public Product MakePizza(){Product product = new Product();product.Name = "Pizza";return product;}public Product MakeToyCar(){Product product = new Product();product.Name = "ToyCar";return product;}}


internal class Program
{static void Main(string[] args){ProductFactory productFactory = new ProductFactory();WarpFactory warpFactory = new WarpFactory();Func<Product> func1 = new Func<Product>(productFactory.MakePizza);Func<Product> func2 = new Func<Product>(productFactory.MakeToyCar);Logger logger = new Logger();Action<Product> log = new Action<Product>(logger.Log);Box box1 = warpFactory.WarpProduct(func1, log);Box box2 = warpFactory.WarpProduct(func2, log);Console.WriteLine(box1.Product.Name);Console.WriteLine(box2.Product.Name);}
}class Logger
{public void Log(Product product){Console.WriteLine("Product {0} created at {1}.Price is {2}.", product.Name, DateTime.UtcNow, product.Price);}
}class Product
{public string Name { get; set; }public double Price { get; set; }
}class Box
{public Product Product { get; set; }
}class WarpFactory
{public Box WarpProduct(Func<Product>getProduct, Action<Product> logCallback){Box box = new Box();Product product = getProduct.Invoke();if (product.Price >= 50){logCallback(product);}box.Product = product;  return box;}
}class ProductFactory
{public Product MakePizza(){Product product = new Product();product.Name = "Pizza";product.Price = 12;return product;}public Product MakeToyCar(){Product product = new Product();product.Name = "ToyCar";product.Price = 70;return product;}}


  • 多播(multicast)委托,一个委托内部封装多个方法
  • 隐式异步调用
    • 同步与异步的简介
      • 中英文的语言差异
      • 同步:你做完了我(在你的基础上)接着做
      • 异步:咱们两个同时做完
    • 同步调用与异步调用的对比
      • 每一个运行的程序是一个进程(process)
      • 每个进程可以有一个或者多个线程(thread)
      • 同步调用是在同一线程内
      • 异步调用的底层机理是多线程
      • 串行同步单线程,并行异步多线程
    • 隐式多线程 v.s. 显式多线程
      • 直接同步调用:使用方法名
      • 间接同步调用:使用单播/多播委托的Invoke方法
      • 隐式异步调用:使用委托的BeginInvoke
      • 显式异步调用:使用Thread或者Task
  • 应该适时地使用接口(interface)取代一些对委托的使用
    • Java完全地使用接口取代了委托的功能,即Java没有与C#中委托相对应的功能实体


internal class Class1
{static void Main(string[] args){Student stu1 = new Student() {ID = 1, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};Student stu2 = new Student() {ID = 2, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};Student stu3 = new Student() {ID = 3, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red };Action action1 = new Action(stu1.DoHomework);Action action2 = new Action(stu2.DoHomework);Action action3 = new Action(stu3.DoHomework);action1.Invoke();action2.Invoke();action3.Invoke();}
}class Student
{public int ID { get; set; }public ConsoleColor PenColor { get; set; }public void DoHomework(){for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){Console.ForegroundColor = this.PenColor;Console.WriteLine("Student {0} doing homework {1} hour(s).",this.ID, i);Thread.Sleep(1000);}}


internal class Class1
{static void Main(string[] args){Student stu1 = new Student() {ID = 1, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};Student stu2 = new Student() {ID = 2, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};Student stu3 = new Student() {ID = 3, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red };Action action1 = new Action(stu1.DoHomework);Action action2 = new Action(stu2.DoHomework);Action action3 = new Action(stu3.DoHomework);action1 += action2;action1 += action3;action1.Invoke();}
}class Student


internal class Class1
{static void Main(string[] args){Student stu1 = new Student() {ID = 1, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};Student stu2 = new Student() {ID = 2, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};Student stu3 = new Student() {ID = 3, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red };stu1.DoHomework();stu2.DoHomework();stu3.DoHomework();for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){Console.ForegroundColor = this.PenColor;Console.WriteLine("Student {0} doing homework {1} hour(s).",this.ID, i);Thread.Sleep(1000);}}
}class Student


internal class Class1
{static void Main(string[] args){Student stu1 = new Student() {ID = 1, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};Student stu2 = new Student() {ID = 2, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};Student stu3 = new Student() {ID = 3, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red };Action action1 = new Action(stu1.DoHomework);Action action2 = new Action(stu2.DoHomework);Action action3 = new Action(stu3.DoHomework);action1.Invoke();action2.Invoke();action3.Invoke();for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){Console.ForegroundColor = this.PenColor;Console.WriteLine("Student {0} doing homework {1} hour(s).",this.ID, i);Thread.Sleep(1000);}}
}class Student


internal class Class1
{static void Main(string[] args){Student stu1 = new Student() {ID = 1, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};Student stu2 = new Student() {ID = 2, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};Student stu3 = new Student() {ID = 3, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red };Action action1 = new Action(stu1.DoHomework);Action action2 = new Action(stu2.DoHomework);Action action3 = new Action(stu3.DoHomework);action1.BeginInvoke(null, null);//典型的异步调用action2.BeginInvoke(null, null);action3.BeginInvoke(null, null);for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){Console.ForegroundColor = this.PenColor;Console.WriteLine("Student {0} doing homework {1} hour(s).",this.ID, i);Thread.Sleep(1000);}}
}class Student


internal class Class1
{static void Main(string[] args){Student stu1 = new Student() {ID = 1, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};Student stu2 = new Student() {ID = 2, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};Student stu3 = new Student() {ID = 3, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red };Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(stu1.DoHomework));Thread thread2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(stu2.DoHomework));Thread thread3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(stu3.DoHomework));thread1.Start();thread2.Start();thread3.Start();for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){Console.ForegroundColor = this.PenColor;Console.WriteLine("Student {0} doing homework {1} hour(s).",this.ID, i);Thread.Sleep(1000);}}
}class Student


internal class Class1
{static void Main(string[] args){Student stu1 = new Student() {ID = 1, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};Student stu2 = new Student() {ID = 2, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};Student stu3 = new Student() {ID = 3, PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red };Task task1 = new Task(new Action(stu1.DoHomework));Task task2 = new Task(new Action(stu2.DoHomework));Task task3 = new Task(new Action(stu3.DoHomework));for(int i = 0; i<5 ; i++){Console.ForegroundColor = this.PenColor;Console.WriteLine("Student {0} doing homework {1} hour(s).",this.ID, i);Thread.Sleep(1000);}}
}class Student





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