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CMP Media's Software Development Media Group is a comprehensive information system of print, Web, and live-event offerings providing professional developers with authoritative and trustworthy information about software development methodologies, tools and companies that enhance productivity. Our mission is to provide application developers with useful and accurate technical information helping them write better software, optimize business performance, and provide advertisers with widely-respected, market-leading media to reach buyers and increase product sales.

C/C++ Users Journal
C/C++ Users Journal provides sophisticated technical information to advanced professional developers. Written by and for experienced programmers, C/C++ Users Journal focuses on practical solutions to complex C/C++ programming problems. The essential goal is to enhance and extend the skill and tool sets of the advanced development community.

Dr. Dobb's Journal
Dr. Dobb’s Journal is written exclusively for professional software developers and development managers. For 25 years, DDJ has remained the only magazine covering cross-platform business-systems development in serious depth. DDJ provides these technology experts with advanced tools and techniques using relevant, real-world solutions. This approach attracts and delivers the critical technical players involved in designing and setting enterprise systems strategy.

MSDN Magazine
MSDN Magazine is the developers’ guide to Microsoft tools, development environments, and technologies for Windows and the Web. As part of Microsoft’s indispensable MSDN family of developer resources, the magazine offers readers essential, cutting-edge information on Microsoft technologies.

Software Development Conference and Exhibition
The Software Development Conference & Expo (SD) is the must-attend event of the year where development professionals go to learn about the emerging trends, technologies, and tools of software development. SD is the only independent event covering multiple languages and platforms essential to building complex applications.

Software Development Magazine
Software Development Magazine helps IT and business leaders to develop, manage, and purchase enterprise-wide software development projects. The goal of each issue is to provide IT and development managers with leadership and mission-critical guidance over the management of complex, n-tier technology solutions.

Software Development Management Summit
Software Development Management Summit is devoted exclusively to the success of software management. The focus of the SD Management Summit is to advance, establish, and evangelize quality standards, best practices, and tested methodologies of successful software development.

SysAdmin Magazine
Sys Admin is written exclusively for systems administrators working in mixed computing environments that include Unix in all its flavors: Solaris, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, BSD, etc. Now in its ninth year, Sys Admin is the only magazine providing the solutions-focused editorial these technical professionals need to keep their systems up and running effectively 24/7/365. Every issue of Sys Admin provides techniques to make systems more secure, more efficient, and more reliable. web site is the only complete online resource for administrators, programmers, web developers, and other UNIX professionals. This information center provides news, columns, reviews, and in-depth features on open-source software and proprietary solutions on all flavors of Unix, including Solaris, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Irix, and BSD.

Web Services World

Web Services World focuses on the emergence of web services and their implications for the software industry and businesses worldwide. The web services1 standards-based, open-development concept transcends proprietary restrictions, providing unprecedented opportunities for collaboration.

Windows Developer Magazine
Windows Developer Magazine addresses the information needs of software professionals responsible for developing and deploying complex, network-aware applications for Windows-based desktops, servers and mobile devices. Readers of Windows Developer are source code level experts who control how Windows merges with all other software environments. They turn to Windows Developer as a unique and trusted source of Windows to Web development solutions





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在前一篇随笔 大型网站系统架构的演化中&#xff0c;介绍了大型网站的演化过程&#xff0c;期间穿插了一些技术和手段&#xff0c;我们可以从中看出一个大型网站的轮廓&#xff0c;但想要掌握设计开发维护大型网站的技术&#xff0c;需要我们一步一步去研究实践。所以我打算写一…




作为一个Android 开发者&#xff0c;官网的资料当然不可错过&#xff0c;从设计&#xff0c;培训&#xff0c;指南&#xff0c;文档&#xff0c;都不应该错过&#xff0c;在以后的学习过程中慢慢理解体会。 Android DeveloperAndroid Guides - CodePath CodePath 是国外一个技术…


在论坛发现2048的C语言的源代码。 真心佩服大神的创作。 复制一起学习。 ////Console2048://C语言写的一个手机游戏2048的控制台版。//作者&#xff1a;0xAA55//QQ&#xff1a;838816058//论坛&#xff1a;www.技术宅的结界.com//2048原版作者&#xff1a;//Gabriele Cirulli…


序 自从浏览器开始主动提示网站不安全开始&#xff0c;我就一直想找机会把博客站aTechie做一下升级&#xff0c;终于……终于这次找到机会了&#xff08;太懒了&#xff0c;哈哈哈&#xff09;。 关于HTTPS 先用一张图片来直观展现HTTPS的原理 简单的说&#xff0c;HTTPS的…

ecs 对比 本地服务器_阿里云服务器建站、心选建站、定制建站有什么区别,如何选择...



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测试一个学习平台项目时&#xff0c;需要验证用户账号是否可以正常登录。使用jmeter工具测试&#xff0c;fiddler辅助查看请求和响应消息。 开始的想法很简单&#xff0c;在登录页面查看到&#xff0c;点击登录按键会出发一个POST请求&#xff0c;想通过jmeter模拟post请求&am…


agileggfw.agilemgr.jar包引用了HibernateTransactionManager和FreeMarkerViewResolver 还不清楚做什么的 agileggfw.captcha.jar包引用jcaptcha-1.0.jar&#xff0c;作用是生成验证码&#xff1a; JCaptcha 简介 <?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8&qu…


网站新上线一个功能&#xff0c;往往会有一些引导功能&#xff0c;其实很简单&#xff0c;就是一些做好的图片通过css,js控制&#xff0c;拼接在一起。 上一些来自百度网的截图&#xff0c;一看就明白。


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历经半个多月的断断续续的编写&#xff0c;一款基于ThinkPHP的购物网站开发完成并完成了初步的测试检测与修复&#xff0c;这款程序可以称之为到现在为止完全我自己独立编写完成的最大规模的一个 PHP 程序&#xff0c;为其起名叫做微淘淘&#xff0c;随便起的。由于使用的 TP 开…




这道题要求从本地访问&#xff0c;打开burpsuite抓包&#xff0c;加上&#xff1a;X-Forwarded-For: 就好了 X-Forwarded-For: 简称XFF头&#xff0c;它代表客户端&#xff0c;也就是HTTP的请求端真实的IP&#xff0c;只有在通过了HTTP 代理或者负载均衡服务器时才会…


前言 相信对于大部分程序员来说&#xff0c;数据结构和算法学起来是比较难的&#xff0c;但是它在工作中又是非常的重要&#xff0c;可以说是开发中的一块基石。 所以为了更好的学习和理解数据结构和算法&#xff0c;当时我是趁着双十一搞活动买了几本算法书&#xff0c;打算一…


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在我们公司ChinaNetCloud&#xff0c;见 过多种不同类型的网站和系统&#xff0c;有好也有差。其中有些系统拥有良好的服务器/网络架构&#xff0c;并且进行了合理的调整和监控 &#xff1b;然而一般的系统都会有安全和性能上的 问题&#xff0c;不能良好运行&#xff0c;也无法…