【OpenAI】基于 Gym-CarRacing 的自动驾驶练习项目 | 路径训练功能的实现 | GYM-Box2D CarRacing

news/2024/5/10 14:34:21/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_50502862/article/details/128486306

    限时开放,猛戳订阅! 👉 《一起玩蛇》🐍

💭 写在前面: 本篇是关于多伦多大学自动驾驶专业项目的博客。GYM-Box2D CarRacing 是一种在 OpenAI Gym 平台上开发和比较强化学习算法的模拟环境。它是流行的 Box2D 物理引擎的一个版本,经过修改以支持模拟汽车在赛道上行驶的物理过程。模块化组件 (Modular Pipeline) 分为 低层次感知与场景解析、路径训练 和车辆控制,本章我们要讲解的内容是 路径训练 (Path training) 部分。

🔗 多伦多大学自动驾驶专项课程:Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars | Coursera
🔗 Gym Car Racing 文档:Car Racing - Gym Documentation

Ⅰ. 前置知识(Antecedent)

0x00 规划与决策


  • 目标:寻找并遵循一条从这里到目的地的路径(需要考虑静态基础设施和动态物体)
  • 输入:车辆和感知的周围环境状态
  • 输出:将路径或轨迹解析给车辆控制器


  • ➢ 驾驶情况和行为是非常复杂的
  • ➢ 因此很难将其作为一个单一的优化问题来建模


💡 思路:

  • 将规划问题分解成更简单的问题的层次结构。
  • 每个问题都根据其范围和抽象程度进行调整。
  • 在这个层次结构中,越前意味着抽象程度越高。
  • 每个优化问题都会有约束条件和目标函数。


0x01 路径规划(Route Planning)

  • 以有向图表示道路网络
  • 边缘权重对应于路段长度或旅行时间
  • 问题转化为一个最小成本的图网络问题
  • 推理算法:狄克斯特拉算法,A∗ 算法,……

0x02 行为层(Behavioral Layer)

根据当前车辆 / 环境状态选择驾驶行为。





找到可行、舒适、安全和快速的车辆路径 / 轨迹。


方法:变分法、图搜索、基于增量树 。


反馈控制器执行来自运动规划器的 路径 / 轨迹








0x03 行为规划(Behavior Planning)



0x04 运动规划(Motion Planning)

变分优化分析(Variational Optimization):变分法最小化一个函数(以一个函数作为输入函数):

\underset{\pi }{\textrm{admin}}\, J(\pi )=\int_{0}^{T}f(\pi )\, dt

s.t.\, \, \, \, \pi (0)=x_{init}\wedge \pi(T)\in x_{goal}



增量搜索技术(Incremental Search Techniques):


快速探索随机树(RRT)和 RRT* 算法。

RRT 符合 A* 的算法:

Ⅱ. 实验说明(Experiment)

0x00 模板提供


📃 提供模板:

1. waypoint_prediction.py 

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import time
import sysdef normalize(v):norm = np.linalg.norm(v,axis=0) + 0.00001return v / norm.reshape(1, v.shape[1])def curvature(waypoints):'''##### TODO #####Curvature as  the sum of the normalized dot product between the way elementsImplement second term of the smoothin objective.args: waypoints [2, num_waypoints] !!!!!''''''Example)norm_diff = normalize(arguments)norm_diff.shape : (2, num_waypoints)curvature example:3.9999937500073246'''return curvaturedef smoothing_objective(waypoints, waypoints_center, weight_curvature=40):'''Objective for path smoothingargs:waypoints [2 * num_waypoints] !!!!!waypoints_center [2 * num_waypoints] !!!!!weight_curvature (default=40)'''# mean least square error between waypoint and way point centerls_tocenter = np.mean((waypoints_center - waypoints)**2)# derive curvaturecurv = curvature(waypoints.reshape(2,-1))return -1 * weight_curvature * curv + ls_tocenterdef waypoint_prediction(roadside1_spline, roadside2_spline, num_waypoints=6, way_type = "smooth"):'''##### TODO #####Predict waypoint via two different methods:- center- smooth args:roadside1_splineroadside2_splinenum_waypoints (default=6)parameter_bound_waypoints (default=1)waytype (default="smoothed")'''if way_type == "center":##### TODO ###### create spline arguments'''Example)t = np.linspace(arguments)t.shape : (num_waypoints,)'''# derive roadside points from spline'''Example)roadside1_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside2_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside1_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside2_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside1_points example :array([[37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])roadside2_points example :array([[58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])'''# derive center between corresponding roadside points'''Example)way_points = np.array( {derive center between corresponding roadside points} )way_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)way_points example :array([[47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])'''return way_pointselif way_type == "smooth":##### TODO ###### create spline points'''Example)t = np.linspace(arguments)t.shape : (num_waypoints,)'''# roadside points from spline'''Example)roadside1_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside2_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside1_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside2_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside1_points example :array([[37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])roadside2_points example :array([[58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])'''# center between corresponding roadside points'''Example)way_points_center = (np.array( {derive center between corresponding roadside points} )).reshape(-1)way_points_center.shape : (num_waypoints*2,)way_points_center example :array([47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5,  0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ])'''# optimization'''scipy.optimize.minimize Doc.)https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.minimize.htmlExample)way_points = minimize(arguments)way_points.shape : (num_way_points*2,)way_points example :array([47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5,  0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ])'''return way_points.reshape(2,-1)def target_speed_prediction(waypoints, num_waypoints_used=5,max_speed=60, exp_constant=4.5, offset_speed=30):'''##### TODO #####Predict target speed given waypointsImplement the function using curvature()args:waypoints [2,num_waypoints]         for curv_centernum_waypoints_used (default=5)      for curv_centermax_speed (default=60)              for target_speedexp_constant (default=4.5)          for target_speedoffset_speed (default=30)           for target_speedoutput:target_speed (float)''''''Example)curv_center = ~~~target_speed = ~~~'''return target_speed

2. Test_waypoint_prediction.py (用于测试)

import gym
from gym.envs.box2d.car_racing import CarRacingfrom lane_detection import LaneDetection
from waypoint_prediction import waypoint_prediction, target_speed_prediction
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyglet
from pyglet import gl
from pyglet.window import key
import pygame# action variables
action = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
def register_input():for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:action[0] = -1.0if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:action[0] = +1.0if event.key == pygame.K_UP:action[1] = +0.5if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:action[2] = +0.8  # set 1.0 for wheels to block to zero rotationif event.key == pygame.K_r:global retryretry = Trueif event.key == pygame.K_s:global recordrecord = Trueif event.key == pygame.K_q:global quitquit = Trueif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and action[0] < 0.0:action[0] = 0if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and action[0] > 0.0:action[0] = 0if event.key == pygame.K_UP:action[1] = 0if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:action[2] = 0# init environement
env = CarRacing()
env.reset()# define variables
total_reward = 0.0
steps = 0
restart = False# init modules of the pipeline
LD_module = LaneDetection()# init extra plot
fig = plt.figure()
plt.show()while True:# perform stepregister_input()s, r, done, speed = env.step(action)# lane detectionlane1, lane2 = LD_module.lane_detection(s)# waypoint and target_speed predictionwaypoints = waypoint_prediction(lane1, lane2)target_speed = target_speed_prediction(waypoints)# rewardtotal_reward += r# outputs during trainingif steps % 2 == 0 or done:print("\naction " + str(["{:+0.2f}".format(x) for x in action]))print("step {} total_reward {:+0.2f}".format(steps, total_reward))LD_module.plot_state_lane(s, steps, fig, waypoints=waypoints)steps += 1env.render()# check if stopif done or restart or steps>=600: print("step {} total_reward {:+0.2f}".format(steps, total_reward))breakenv.close()

0x01 道路中心(Road Center)

汽车的一个简单路径是沿着道路中心行驶,使用车道边界样条曲线,导出 6 个等距样条曲线参数值的车道边界点。

→  waypoint_prediction()


→  waypoint_prediction() 

0x02 路径平滑(Path Smoothing)

由于我们正在创建一辆赛车,我们需要根据道路的走向来调整航点,例如打到顶点。我们通过最小化以下方程来做到这一点。在给定中心航路点 y 的情况下,通过最小化以下关于航路点 x 的目标来改善路径。


其中,x_i 是为了最小化目标而变化的航点,y_i 是任务中估计的中心航点。

→ curvature() 

0x03 目标速度预测(Target Speed Prediction)


* 初始参数采用:v_{max} = 60,\, \, v_{min}=30,\, \, K_v=4.5


Ⅲ. 代码实现

0x00 curvature 函数

💬 提供的基础模板如下:

def curvature(waypoints):'''##### TODO #####Curvature as  the sum of the normalized dot product between the way elementsImplement second term of the smoothin objective.args: waypoints [2, num_waypoints] !!!!!''''''Example)norm_diff = normalize(arguments)norm_diff.shape : (2, num_waypoints)curvature example:3.9999937500073246'''return curvature


首先定义出 curv,我们可以从第二个点开始遍历到倒数第二个点,计算每个点的曲率。

curv = 0
for p in range(1, waypoints.shape[1] - 1):...


        x = np.array(waypoints[:, p])y = np.array(waypoints[:, p + 1])z = np.array(waypoints[:, p - 1])

这里可以使用 reshape  函数,reshape() 函数的功能是改变数组或矩阵的形状,并将这些数组改为一个2行的二维新数组。

px, py, pz = x.reshape(N, AUTO_CALC), y.reshape(N, AUTO_CALC), z.reshape(N, AUTO_CALC)

然后可以使用 np.dot() 返回两个数组的点积:

        matrixA = normalize(px - pz)matrixB = normalize(py - px)matrixB_T = matrixB.transpose()    # .transpose() == .Tdot_product = np.dot(matrixB_T, matrixA)

最后再利用 flatten()  将结果降维,最后返回 curv 即可。

        curv += dot_product.flatten()return curv

0x01 smoothing_objective 函数

def smoothing_objective(waypoints, waypoints_center, weight_curvature=40):'''Objective for path smoothingargs:waypoints [2 * num_waypoints] !!!!!waypoints_center [2 * num_waypoints] !!!!!weight_curvature (default=40)'''# mean least square error between waypoint and way point centerls_tocenter = np.mean((waypoints_center - waypoints)**2)# derive curvaturecurv = curvature(waypoints.reshape(2,-1))return -1 * weight_curvature * curv + ls_tocenter

ls_tocenter = np.mean((waypoints_center - waypoints.reshape(2, -1))**2)

0x02 waypoint_prediction 函数

def waypoint_prediction(roadside1_spline, roadside2_spline, num_waypoints=6, way_type = "smooth"):'''##### TODO #####Predict waypoint via two different methods:- center- smooth args:roadside1_splineroadside2_splinenum_waypoints (default=6)parameter_bound_waypoints (default=1)waytype (default="smoothed")'''if way_type == "center":##### TODO ###### create spline arguments'''Example)t = np.linspace(arguments)t.shape : (num_waypoints,)'''num_waypoints_default = 6parameter_bound_waypoints_default = 1# 利用 linsapce() 创建等差数列AP = np.linspace(     0, parameter_bound_waypoints_default, num_waypoints_default)way_points = np.zeros((N, num_waypoints))# derive roadside points from spline'''Example)roadside1_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside2_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside1_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside2_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside1_points example :array([[37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])roadside2_points example :array([[58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])'''# 中间点可视化: B样条和它的导数插值# display1, display2 = splev(AP, roadside1_spline), splev(AP, roadside2_spline)# p1 = np.array(display1)# p2 = np.array(display2)p1 = np.array(splev(AP, roadside1_spline))p2 = np.array(splev(AP, roadside2_spline))# derive center between corresponding roadside points'''Example)way_points = np.array( {derive center between corresponding roadside points} )way_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)way_points example :array([[47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])'''p1_sp, p2_sp = p1.shape[1], p2.shape[1]for i in range( min(p1_sp, p2_sp) ):way_points[:, i] = np.array( (p1[:, i] + p2[:, i]) / 2)   # 求中点return way_pointselif way_type == "smooth":##### TODO ###### create spline points'''Example)t = np.linspace(arguments)t.shape : (num_waypoints,)'''        # roadside points from spline'''Example)roadside1_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside2_points = np.array(splev(arguments))roadside1_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside2_points.shape : (2, num_waypoints)roadside1_points example :array([[37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. , 37. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])roadside2_points example :array([[58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. , 58. ],[ 0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ]])'''# center between corresponding roadside points'''Example)way_points_center = (np.array( {derive center between corresponding roadside points} )).reshape(-1)way_points_center.shape : (num_waypoints*2,)way_points_center example :array([47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5,  0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ])'''way_points_center = waypoint_prediction(roadside1_spline, roadside2_spline, way_type = "center")# optimization'''scipy.optimize.minimize Doc.)https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.minimize.htmlExample)way_points = minimize(arguments)way_points.shape : (num_way_points*2,)way_points example :array([47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5,  0. , 12.8, 25.6, 38.4, 51.2, 64. ])'''# 利用 minimize 进行非线性优化  # minimize(func, xo, args, **pos) #       func:优化目标  #       xo:优化参数初始值 #       args:优化目标中其他参数的值way_points = minimize (smoothing_objective,(way_points_center),args = way_points_center)["x"]return way_points.reshape(2,-1)

0x03 target_speed_prediction 函数


def target_speed_prediction(waypoints, num_waypoints_used=5,max_speed=60, exp_constant=4.5, offset_speed=30):'''##### TODO #####Predict target speed given waypointsImplement the function using curvature()args:waypoints [2,num_waypoints]         for curv_centernum_waypoints_used (default=5)      for curv_centermax_speed (default=60)              for target_speedexp_constant (default=4.5)          for target_speedoffset_speed (default=30)           for target_speedoutput:target_speed (float)''''''Example)curv_center = ~~~target_speed = ~~~'''return target_speed


    Vmax = max_speedVmin = offset_speedKv = exp_constantN = num_waypoints_usedE = curvature(waypoints)# Path Planning 公式Vtarget = (Vmax - Vmin) * math.exp( -Kv * abs(N - 2 - E) ) + Vmin

0x04 运行结果演示

cd 到 skeleton 文件夹的路径下,输入 python test_lane_detection 运行代码:

🚩 运行结果如下:


📌 [ 笔者 ]   王亦优
📃 [ 更新 ]   2023.2.23
❌ [ 勘误 ]   /* 暂无 */
📜 [ 声明 ]   由于作者水平有限,本文有错误和不准确之处在所难免,本人也很想知道这些错误,恳望读者批评指正!

📜 参考资料 

[6] Montemerlo M, Becker J, Bhat S, et alJunior: The Stanford entry in the Urban Challenge

Slide Credit: Steven Waslander

Course 自动驾驶课程:Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars | Coursera

LaValle: Rapidly-exploring random trees: A new tool for path planning. Techical Report, 1998

Dolgov et al.: Practical Search Techniques in Path Planning for Autonomous Driving. STAIR, 2008.

Microsoft. MSDN(Microsoft Developer Network)[EB/OL]. []. .

百度百科[EB/OL]. []. https://baike.baidu.com/.

. [EB/OL]. []. https://blog.waymo.com/2021/10/the-waymo-driver-handbook-perception.html.




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计算机网络概述 第二部分

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文章目录一、窗口看门狗概述1.1 看门狗框图1.2 窗口看门狗工作过程总结1.3 超时时间1.4 为什么需要窗口看门狗1.5 其他注意事项二、常用寄存器和库函数2.1 控制寄存器WWDG_ CR2.2 配置寄存器WWDG_ CFR2.3 状态寄存器WWDG_SR三、手写窗口看门狗3.1 配置过程3.2 初始化窗口看门狗…

【微信小程序】-- 常用视图容器类组件介绍(六)

&#x1f48c; 所属专栏&#xff1a;【微信小程序开发教程】 &#x1f600; 作  者&#xff1a;我是夜阑的狗&#x1f436; &#x1f680; 个人简介&#xff1a;一个正在努力学技术的CV工程师&#xff0c;专注基础和实战分享 &#xff0c;欢迎咨询&#xff01; &#…

LeetCode 725. 分隔链表

LeetCode 725. 分隔链表 难度&#xff1a;middle\color{orange}{middle}middle 题目描述 给你一个头结点为 headheadhead 的单链表和一个整数 kkk &#xff0c;请你设计一个算法将链表分隔为 kkk 个连续的部分。 每部分的长度应该尽可能的相等&#xff1a;任意两部分的长度差…


2月23日&#xff0c;广东绿通新能源电动车科技股份有限公司&#xff08;下称“绿通科技”&#xff0c;SZ:301322&#xff09;开启申购。据贝多财经了解&#xff0c;绿通科技本次上市的发行价为131.11元/股&#xff0c;发行数量为1749万股&#xff0c;市盈率73.75倍。 按发行价…

逆向 x品会 edata

逆向 x品会 edata 版本 7.88.6 帖子底部有参考说明 charles 抓包 目标字段 edata edata 搜索关键字 跟进找到是edata >>> KeyInfo native esNav 方法 private static native String esNav(Context context, String str, String str2, String str3, int i); …


目录 1、引言 2、自动化实施目标 3、自动化技术选型 4、测试环境需求 5、人员进度安排 总结感谢每一个认真阅读我文章的人&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01; 重点&#xff1a;配套学习资料和视频教学 1、引言 文档版本 版本 作者 审批 备注 V1.0 Vincent XXX …

不会前端没事,用GWT Boot和Spring Boot构建Web程序

本文介绍了一种使用Java构建Web应用程序的方式&#xff0c;其中GWT或者J2CL是必不可少的&#xff0c;另外还有多个UI框架可以配套使用&#xff0c;比如Domino UI、VueGWT、GWT Material Design (GMD)&#xff0c;React4J、WebFX&#xff0c;还有一些活跃低的框架GWTBootstrap3、…

【解决报错】‘jupyter‘ 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序 或批处理文件

在当前路径下使用cmd打开后&#xff0c;输入jupyter notebook出现如下错误&#xff1a; 通常可能出现的问题有两种&#xff1a; &#xff08;1&#xff09;你本身就没安装jupyter&#xff0c;如果你配置了anaconda&#xff0c;就自带jupyter&#xff0c;直接跳到问题2。如果确…