
news/2024/7/27 15:47:36/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/jjjyjjjy/article/details/137099316




FMCAD 2024

FMCAD 2024 is the twenty-fourth in a series of conferences on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing.

FMCAD was first held in 1996, and was a bi-annual conference until 2006, when the FMCAD and CHARME conferences merged into a single annual conference. Before merging, FMCAD was held in the United States on even years and its sister conference, CHARME, was held in Europe on odd years. Since 2006, the FMCAD conference has been held annually at various international venues.







Model checking, theorem proving, equivalence checking, abstraction and reduction, compositional methods, decision procedures at the bit- and word-level, probabilistic methods, combinations of deductive methods and decision procedures.

Synthesis and compilation for computer system descriptions, modeling, specification, and implementation languages, formal semantics of languages and their subsets, model-based design, design derivation and transformation, correct-by-construction methods.

Application of formal and semi-formal methods to functional and non-functional specification and validation of hardware and software, including timing and power modeling, verification of computing systems on all levels of abstraction, system-level design and verification for embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, automotive systems and other safety-critical systems, hardware-software co-design and verification, and transaction-level verification.

Experience with the application of formal and semi-formal methods to industrial-scale designs; tools that represent formal verification enablement, new features, or a substantial improvement in the automation of formal methods.

Application of formal methods to verifying safety, connectivity and security properties of networks, distributed systems, smart contracts, block chains, and IoT devices.

Application of formal methods to the analysis of machine learning systems, and applications of machine learning to enhance formal methods techniques.


ICDF2C 2024

The International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime will be held from October 9 – 10, 2024, in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

This two-day event is expected to attract over 100 participants including academics, practitioners, and vendors providing opportunities for business and intellectual engagement among attendees. The focus is on emerging topics including the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in digital forensics as well as adversary engagement and threat intelligence for cyber security. In addition, we will have our traditional security and forensics topics of digital investigations, cyber security, behavioral cyber security, incident response, risk management, business, etc. Given below is an indicative list of possible topics.







The focus of the conference is on:

Cyber security

Digital forensics

Digital criminal investigations

Artificial intelligence and analytics for security and forensics

National intelligence

Topics include:

Digital forensics

Intrusion detection

Active defense

Cyber-physical system threats

Cyber warfare

AI/ML threats

Themes also include:

Text analysis


Hardware trojans

Topics include:

Digital and Multimedia Evidence and Forensics

Multimedia Forensics (including but not limited to Image-, Audio-, and Video Analysis, Biometrics, Linguistic Analysis of Texts)

Chip Forensics

Mobile & Network Forensics

ICS/SCADA Forensics

Live Data Forensics

Forensic Lab Management and Accreditation






文章目录 1 赛题思路2 比赛日期和时间3 组织机构4 建模常见问题类型4.1 分类问题4.2 优化问题4.3 预测问题4.4 评价问题 5 建模资料 1 赛题思路 (赛题出来以后第一时间在CSDN分享) https://blog.csdn.net/dc_sinor?typeblog 2 比赛日期和时间 报名截止时间:2024…


<div>收货人</div>&#xff1a; <div>电话</div>&#xff1a; <div>省市区</div>&#xff1a; width: 100rpx;border: 1px solid rebeccapurple;display: inline-block;text-align-last: justify;





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