2017年最新15个漂亮的 HTML 摄影网站模板

news/2024/5/15 14:40:03/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/lumot/article/details/100834239

  摄影是一门艺术,它需要大量的耐心和努力工作来捕捉那些精彩的瞬间。如果你是一位热情的摄影师,想要建立一个网站来展示那些高质量的摄影作品,那么你找对地方了。本文包含15个最佳的摄影网站模板,你可以使用这些 HTML 模板创建自己的摄影网站。这些HTML摄影网站模板让你可以以一个高雅的风格展示你的照片。这些模板包括一些有效的响应式设计、图像幻灯片、版式和大量的定制选项。 

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1. Kingsize

KingSize (HTML) is a great portfolio / photography template that offers full screen background images (slider) and videos. As well as 5 unique gallery styles to impress your visitors.

2. Storm

Storm is a stunning full screen background template with a custom full screen gallery, perfect for showing off your visual work or perhaps you would just like to use images to sell yourself, whatever you do! Background switcher controls allow you to cycle through background images, which are preloaded to cut loading time. 25 gallery/portfolio layouts are included so you can pick the one that best suits your work.

3. Toranj

Toranj is trying to bring the combination of beauty and power to the table and it’s suitable for a wide range of applications. For creative portfolio, photography, videography, digital agency, interior design to personal blogging and magazine and even creative corporate websites, Toranj has the features alongside a modern design.

Toranj is responsive and also has true RTL support, means you will get an exact RTL version of the template with all dummy Persian contents.

4. Lenze

Lenze is a portfolio photography HTML template, using most popular design trends as HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. The template has three styles of homepage layout (fullscreen, fullwidth and box style), also included fully responsive media grid plugin that allows you to control the layout of your item grid in the way that pleases you most.

Lenze is great for photography and creative portfolio website or any creative business and agency, also has commented HTML code for each panel included in the theme so you can easily adapt your templates to suit your needs.

6. Outdoor

This template is perfect if you like a clean and modern design. This template is ideal for designers, photographers, and those who need an easy, attractive and effective way to share their work with clients.

This template include 4 different style portfolio page, full screen backgrounds, 6 different style home page, retina ready, full responsive, bootstrap 3, touch and swipe and much more.

7. Raw

Raw HTML template is a fully responsive HTML5 template that is ideal for photographers, agencies and creative freelancers. It offers several homepage layout options, full and fixed width portfolio grids, awesome hover effects, full width sliders with HTML5 background video & touch support, fashionable captions, contact form with honey pot spam prevention and tons of professional styling options.

8. Uno

Uno is clean, modern html photography website template which is best fit for creating photography portfolio websites. This template includes 6 blog layouts, 14 gallery layouts, 3 landing pages, shortcodes included, 2 contact us layouts, and many other useful features.

9. Other

Other is perfect for the creatives out there, the forward thinkers and those who just want a kick-ass site for their business or service. Other comes with loads of unique layouts, including our draggable vertical galleries, and homepage portfolio with great animations and category filters. Other uses AJAX to load in and switch between your posts and portfolio details, reducing initial page load times.

Fully responsive, retina ready and with a great mobile menu, Other is exactly what any freelancer, agency or business needs.

10. Cordoba

Córdoba is a clean and modern clean photography template that is perfect to promote your photo gallery in a very professional and pleasant way. Córdoba is made of HTML5 and CSS3. It is fully responsive; it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices (desktop, notebook, tablet and mobile).

11. Photographer

Photographer is a responsive html template created for creative Photographers with a minimalist design and optimized for mobile.
It has 2 blog layouts, responsive and retina ready design, flexible images and videos, live photowall homepage, and above all optimal image viewing experience on any device with zoomable images.

12. Sniper

Sniper is a responsive liquid HTML/CSS template built for photographers, creative agencies or portfolio website. Main idea was to create a symbiosis of two types of templates: one page website fullscreen gallery. All elements of the template are liquid and thereby it successfully adapts to any device. Special attention was paid to optimize template for Tablet PC’s and smartphones.

It comes with many cool features ex. 10 Skins (5 colors x light and dark themes), fullscreen Slider, 2 Post sliders, a lot of prebuilt shortcodes.

13. Kubb

Kubb is most completed responsive photography and magazine HTML5 Template with various portfolio options which is suitable for artists, photographers, creative agencies, digital studios, personal freelancers, and any kind of business owners that would like to showcase their portfolio beautifully.

Kubb was built with awesome Twitter Bootstrap v3 and it features 34 cool HTML5 pages with 9 color options. Since it is responsive, the layout will adapt to different screen sizes which will make your website be compatible with any device such as smart phones, tablets or desktop computers.

14. Joker

Joker is a professionally made photo and video HTML template. Using a variety of layouts you will easily present your work for your visitors and potential clients! The template includes all needed design elements and attractive animation for building of a topnotch personal or corporate portfolio website

15. Fidelity

Fidelity is the most fastest and future-oriented HTML5 and CSS3 template. It uses a full power of hardware-accelerated CSS3 transitions and transforms (of course with fallback to jQuery animations) and provides great performance on desktops, tablet PCs and smart phones. It’s primarily for photographers, but it can be used by design agencies, architecture bureaus, etc. Template was successfully tested in all modern browsers.


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  • 时尚设计!三种奇特网格加载效果【附源码下载】


本文链接:2017年最新15个漂亮的 HTML 摄影网站模板

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源







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