询问HTG:在网站中搜索,Google Play替代品以及双重引导入门

news/2024/5/9 13:56:44/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/culunyi0802/article/details/108838855

Once a week we round up some of the reader letters we’ve answered and share the advice with everyone. This week we’re looking at how to search within web sites, downloading apps from places other than Google Play, and getting started with dual booting operating systems.

每周一次,我们收集一些我们已经回答的读者来信,并与大家分享建议。 本周,我们将研究如何在网站中进行搜索,如何从Google Play以外的地方下载应用程序以及如何使用双引导操作系统。

如何找到我忘记收藏的文章? (How Can I Find an Article I Forgot to Bookmark?)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I saw an article on HTG a few months ago that covered how to build your own high-gain projector screen. I didn’t bookmark it and now I’m having trouble finding it? Would mind sharing the link with me? Thanks!

几个月前,我在HTG上看到了一篇文章,内容涉及如何构建自己的高增益投影仪屏幕。 我没有为其添加书签,但是现在找不到它了? 介意与我分享链接吗? 谢谢!



Home Theater Builder


Dear Home Theater,


The easiest way to find an article on HTG, or any other website you’d like to search within, is to use a little search hack in your Google search query. By searching for “site:sitename.com your search terms” you can restrict your search to just that web site. To find the link for you, we simply plugged in “site:howtogeek.com beads projector” and the article you were looking for was the first result.

在HTG或您想在其中搜索的任何其他网站上查找文章的最简单方法是在Google搜索查询中使用一个小的搜索技巧。 通过搜索“ site:sitename.com您的搜索词”,您可以将搜索限制在该网站上。 为了找到适合您的链接,我们仅插入了“ site:howtogeek.com珠子投影仪”,并且您所寻找的文章是第一个结果。

The site: trick is a great way to find articles and information when you know you saw it on a specific web site but you don’t want to go digging through that site’s archives to find it!


除了Google Play之外,我可以在哪里使用Android应用程序? (Where Can I Go for Android Apps Beside Google Play?)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Maybe I’m being an old techo-grump, but I’m not particularly enamored with the new Google Play (previously Android Market). Is there another venue to check out Android Apps? I know I’ll still end up at Play for a lot of things, but I’m interested in looking at other places I can grab apps.

也许我是老技术爱好者,但是我对新的Google Play(以前称为Android Market)并不特别着迷。 是否有其他场所可以查看Android Apps? 我知道我仍然会在Play上做很多事情,但是我对寻找其他可以抓取应用程序的地方感兴趣。





Dear Techno-Grump,


Unlike iOS devices that required jailbreaking to access third-party app markets, it’s pretty easy on Android. All you need to do is turn on the ability to install apps from non-Market sources and then hit up some of those sources like Amazon’s Appstore, GetJar, etc. Check out our full article on Android Market/Google Play alternatives here.

与需要越狱才能访问第三方应用程序市场的iOS设备不同,在Android上这非常简单。 您需要做的就是打开从非Market来源安装应用程序的功能,然后访问诸如Amazon Appstore,GetJar等之类的来源。请在此处查看有关Android Market / Google Play替代品的完整文章 。

我需要了解什么才能开始双重引导? (What Do I Need to Know to Get Started with Dual Booting?)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’ve never dual booted before, but I think it would be fun/educational to start doing it. I’m currently running Windows 7 and would like to dual boot to other operating systems so I can try them out without giving up the OS I’m comfortable with. I have no idea where to start?

我以前从未双重启动过,但是我认为开始这样做会很有趣/很有教育意义。 我当前正在运行Windows 7,并且希望双重引导到其他操作系统,因此我可以在不放弃自己喜欢的操作系统的情况下试用它们。 我不知道从哪里开始?



Dual Boot Dreaming


Dear Dual Boot,


Although dual booting seems foreign to you now, we assure you with a little reading and playing around you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner. We’d highly suggest checking out this roundup of our best dual-boot articles including How to Dual Boot Windows 7 and 8 Without Re-Partitioning (Using VHD). You’ll also find tips on dual-booting Windows and Linux.

尽管现在看来双重引导对您来说是陌生的,但我们向您保证一点阅读和玩耍的乐趣,您会想知道为什么您不早开始。 我们强烈建议您阅读我们最好的双重引导文章,包括如何在不进行重新分区的情况下双重引导Windows 7和Windows 8(使用VHD) 。 您还将找到有关双启动Windows和Linux的提示。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/110934/ask-htg-searching-within-websites-google-play-alternatives-and-getting-started-with-dual-booting/





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