linux regmap and regmap_config

news/2024/4/27 11:33:07/文章来源:




为了避免这种情况的发生,并将普通的代码因素化,同时也为了方便驱动程序的维护和开发,Linux开发者从3.1版本开始引入了一个新的内核API,这个API被称为regmap。这个基础设施以前存在于Linux AsoC(ALSA)子系统中,但现在已经通过regmap API提供给整个Linux了。

早些时候,如果为驻留在SPI总线上的设备编写驱动程序,那么该驱动程序直接使用SPI子系统的SPI总线读写调用来与设备对话。现在,它使用regmap API来完成这一工作。regmap子系统负责调用SPI子系统的相关调用。因此,两个设备--一个驻留在I2C总线上,一个驻留在SPI总线上--将有相同的regmap读写调用来与总线上的各自设备对话。

这个子系统在Linux 3.1中首次引入,后来又引入了以下不同的功能。

  • Spinlock和自定义锁机制
  • 缓存支持
  • 内联性转换
  • 寄存器范围检查
  • 支持IRQ
  • 只读和只写寄存器
  • 珍贵寄存器和易失性寄存器
  • 寄存器页




/*** Configuration for the register map of a device.** @name: Optional name of the regmap. Useful when a device has multiple*        register regions.** @reg_bits: Number of bits in a register address, mandatory.* @reg_stride: The register address stride. Valid register addresses are a*              multiple of this value. If set to 0, a value of 1 will be*              used.* @pad_bits: Number of bits of padding between register and value.* @val_bits: Number of bits in a register value, mandatory.** @writeable_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register*		   can be written to. If this field is NULL but wr_table*		   (see below) is not, the check is performed on such table*                 (a register is writeable if it belongs to one of the ranges*                  specified by wr_table).* @readable_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register*		  can be read from. If this field is NULL but rd_table*		   (see below) is not, the check is performed on such table*                 (a register is readable if it belongs to one of the ranges*                  specified by rd_table).* @volatile_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register*		  value can't be cached. If this field is NULL but*		  volatile_table (see below) is not, the check is performed on*                such table (a register is volatile if it belongs to one of*                the ranges specified by volatile_table).* @precious_reg: Optional callback returning true if the register*		  should not be read outside of a call from the driver*		  (e.g., a clear on read interrupt status register). If this*                field is NULL but precious_table (see below) is not, the*                check is performed on such table (a register is precious if*                it belongs to one of the ranges specified by precious_table).* @lock:	  Optional lock callback (overrides regmap's default lock*		  function, based on spinlock or mutex).* @unlock:	  As above for unlocking.* @lock_arg:	  this field is passed as the only argument of lock/unlock*		  functions (ignored in case regular lock/unlock functions*		  are not overridden).* @reg_read:	  Optional callback that if filled will be used to perform*           	  all the reads from the registers. Should only be provided for*		  devices whose read operation cannot be represented as a simple*		  read operation on a bus such as SPI, I2C, etc. Most of the*		  devices do not need this.* @reg_write:	  Same as above for writing.* @fast_io:	  Register IO is fast. Use a spinlock instead of a mutex*	     	  to perform locking. This field is ignored if custom lock/unlock*	     	  functions are used (see fields lock/unlock of struct regmap_config).*		  This field is a duplicate of a similar file in*		  'struct regmap_bus' and serves exact same purpose.*		   Use it only for "no-bus" cases.* @max_register: Optional, specifies the maximum valid register index.* @wr_table:     Optional, points to a struct regmap_access_table specifying*                valid ranges for write access.* @rd_table:     As above, for read access.* @volatile_table: As above, for volatile registers.* @precious_table: As above, for precious registers.* @reg_defaults: Power on reset values for registers (for use with*                register cache support).* @num_reg_defaults: Number of elements in reg_defaults.** @read_flag_mask: Mask to be set in the top byte of the register when doing*                  a read.* @write_flag_mask: Mask to be set in the top byte of the register when doing*                   a write. If both read_flag_mask and write_flag_mask are*                   empty the regmap_bus default masks are used.* @use_single_rw: If set, converts the bulk read and write operations into*		    a series of single read and write operations. This is useful*		    for device that does not support bulk read and write.* @can_multi_write: If set, the device supports the multi write mode of bulk*                   write operations, if clear multi write requests will be*                   split into individual write operations** @cache_type: The actual cache type.* @reg_defaults_raw: Power on reset values for registers (for use with*                    register cache support).* @num_reg_defaults_raw: Number of elements in reg_defaults_raw.* @reg_format_endian: Endianness for formatted register addresses. If this is*                     DEFAULT, the @reg_format_endian_default value from the*                     regmap bus is used.* @val_format_endian: Endianness for formatted register values. If this is*                     DEFAULT, the @reg_format_endian_default value from the*                     regmap bus is used.** @ranges: Array of configuration entries for virtual address ranges.* @num_ranges: Number of range configuration entries.*/
struct regmap_config {const char *name; 可选,寄存器名字int reg_bits; 寄存器地址位宽,必须填写int reg_stride;// 寄存器操作宽度,比如为1时,所有寄存器可操作,为2时,只有2^n可操作int pad_bits;int val_bits;bool (*writeable_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);bool (*readable_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);bool (*volatile_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);bool (*precious_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);regmap_lock lock;regmap_unlock unlock;void *lock_arg;int (*reg_read)(void *context, unsigned int reg, unsigned int *val);int (*reg_write)(void *context, unsigned int reg, unsigned int val);bool fast_io;unsigned int max_register;const struct regmap_access_table *wr_table;const struct regmap_access_table *rd_table;const struct regmap_access_table *volatile_table;const struct regmap_access_table *precious_table;const struct reg_default *reg_defaults;unsigned int num_reg_defaults;enum regcache_type cache_type;const void *reg_defaults_raw;unsigned int num_reg_defaults_raw;u8 read_flag_mask;u8 write_flag_mask;bool use_single_rw;bool can_multi_write;enum regmap_endian reg_format_endian;enum regmap_endian val_format_endian;const struct regmap_range_cfg *ranges;unsigned int num_ranges;



val_bits: 这是将在设备寄存器中设置的值的位数。
writeable_reg:这是一个写在驱动程序代码中的用户定义的函数,每当要写一个寄存器时,就会调用这个函数。每当驱动调用regmap子系统写一个寄存器时,这个驱动函数就会被调用;如果这个寄存器不可写,它将返回 "false",写操作将向驱动返回一个错误。这是一个 "每个寄存器 "的写操作回调,是可选的。

readable_reg: 这是一个用户定义的函数,写在驱动代码中,每当要读一个寄存器时就会调用。每当驱动调用regmap子系统读取一个寄存器时,这个驱动函数就会被调用以确保该寄存器是可读的。如果这个寄存器不可读,驱动函数将返回 "false",读操作将向驱动返回一个错误。这是一个 "每个寄存器 "的读操作回调,是可选的。

rd_table: 如果一个驱动没有提供readable_reg回调,那么在进行读操作之前,regmap会检查rd_table。如果寄存器地址在rd_table提供的范围内,那么读操作就被执行。这也是可选的,驱动程序可以省略它的定义,可以将它设置为NULL。
volatile_reg: 这是一个写在驱动代码中的用户定义的函数,每当通过缓存写入或读出一个寄存器时就会调用这个函数。每当驱动通过regmap缓存读取或写入一个寄存器时,这个函数首先被调用,如果它返回 "false",才会使用缓存方法;否则,寄存器被直接写入或读取,因为寄存器是易失性的,不需要使用缓存。这是一个 "每个寄存器 "的操作回调,是可选的。

volatile_table: 如果一个驱动没有提供volatile_reg回调,那么volatile_table就会被regmap检查,看寄存器是否是volatile的。如果寄存器地址在volatile_table提供的范围内,则不使用缓存操作。这也是可选的,驱动程序可以省略它的定义,也可以将它设置为NULL。



lock_arg: 这是传递给锁定和解锁回调例程的参数。
fast_io。如果没有提供自定义的锁和解锁机制,regmap内部使用mutex来锁和解锁。如果驱动希望regmap使用自旋锁,那么fast_io应该设置为 "true";否则,regmap将使用基于mutex的锁。

max_register。每当要执行任何读或写操作时,regmap首先检查寄存器地址是否小于max_register,只有当它是,才执行操作。 max_register如果被设置为0,则被忽略。


wr_table, rd_table和volatile_table是可选的表(仅在没有提供相应的回调时使用),在写和读操作时被regmap用来进行范围检查。这些被实现为regmap_access_table结构。以下是它的字段。

struct regmap  

struct regmap {union {struct mutex mutex;struct {spinlock_t spinlock;unsigned long spinlock_flags;};};regmap_lock lock;regmap_unlock unlock;void *lock_arg; /* This is passed to lock/unlock functions */struct device *dev; /* Device we do I/O on */void *work_buf;     /* Scratch buffer used to format I/O */struct regmap_format format;  /* Buffer format */const struct regmap_bus *bus;void *bus_context;const char *name;bool async;spinlock_t async_lock;wait_queue_head_t async_waitq;struct list_head async_list;struct list_head async_free;int async_ret;#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FSstruct dentry *debugfs;const char *debugfs_name;unsigned int debugfs_reg_len;unsigned int debugfs_val_len;unsigned int debugfs_tot_len;struct list_head debugfs_off_cache;struct mutex cache_lock;
#endifunsigned int max_register;bool (*writeable_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);bool (*readable_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);bool (*volatile_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);bool (*precious_reg)(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg);const struct regmap_access_table *wr_table;const struct regmap_access_table *rd_table;const struct regmap_access_table *volatile_table;const struct regmap_access_table *precious_table;int (*reg_read)(void *context, unsigned int reg, unsigned int *val);int (*reg_write)(void *context, unsigned int reg, unsigned int val);bool defer_caching;u8 read_flag_mask;u8 write_flag_mask;/* number of bits to (left) shift the reg value when formatting*/int reg_shift;int reg_stride;/* regcache specific members */const struct regcache_ops *cache_ops;enum regcache_type cache_type;/* number of bytes in reg_defaults_raw */unsigned int cache_size_raw;/* number of bytes per word in reg_defaults_raw */unsigned int cache_word_size;/* number of entries in reg_defaults */unsigned int num_reg_defaults;/* number of entries in reg_defaults_raw */unsigned int num_reg_defaults_raw;/* if set, only the cache is modified not the HW */u32 cache_only;/* if set, only the HW is modified not the cache */u32 cache_bypass;/* if set, remember to free reg_defaults_raw */bool cache_free;struct reg_default *reg_defaults;const void *reg_defaults_raw;void *cache;u32 cache_dirty;struct reg_default *patch;int patch_regs;/* if set, converts bulk rw to single rw */bool use_single_rw;/* if set, the device supports multi write mode */bool can_multi_write;struct rb_root range_tree;void *selector_work_buf;	/* Scratch buffer used for selector */



struct regmap *regmap_init(struct device *dev,const struct regmap_bus *bus,void *bus_context,const struct regmap_config *config)
{struct regmap *map;int ret = -EINVAL;enum regmap_endian reg_endian, val_endian;map = kzalloc(sizeof(*map), GFP_KERNEL);// 将regmap_config定义的参数赋值到regmap中map->format.reg_bytes = DIV_ROUND_UP(config->reg_bits, 8);map->format.pad_bytes = config->pad_bits / 8;map->format.val_bytes = DIV_ROUND_UP(config->val_bits, 8);map->format.buf_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(config->reg_bits +config->val_bits + config->pad_bits, 8);map->reg_shift = config->pad_bits % 8;if (config->reg_stride)map->reg_stride = config->reg_stride;elsemap->reg_stride = 1;map->use_single_rw = config->use_single_rw;map->can_multi_write = config->can_multi_write;map->dev = dev;map->bus = bus;map->bus_context = bus_context;map->max_register = config->max_register;map->wr_table = config->wr_table;map->rd_table = config->rd_table;map->volatile_table = config->volatile_table;map->precious_table = config->precious_table;map->writeable_reg = config->writeable_reg;map->readable_reg = config->readable_reg;map->volatile_reg = config->volatile_reg;map->precious_reg = config->precious_reg;map->cache_type = config->cache_type;map->name = config->name;/* regmap中有reg_read操作方法,通过bus是否为空赋值 */if (!bus) {// 对于该驱动,此处只会走这里 map->reg_read  = config->reg_read;map->reg_write = config->reg_write;map->defer_caching = false;goto skip_format_initialization;} else if (!bus->read || !bus->write) {map->reg_read = _regmap_bus_reg_read;map->reg_write = _regmap_bus_reg_write;map->defer_caching = false;goto skip_format_initialization;} else {map->reg_read  = _regmap_bus_read;}// 设置地址和寄存器值的大小端reg_endian = regmap_get_reg_endian(bus, config);val_endian = regmap_get_val_endian(dev, bus, config);// 根据寄存器地址位宽和大小端解析寄存器地址switch (config->reg_bits + map->reg_shift) {case 32:switch (reg_endian) {case REGMAP_ENDIAN_BIG:map->format.format_reg = regmap_format_32_be;break;case REGMAP_ENDIAN_NATIVE:map->format.format_reg = regmap_format_32_native;break;default:goto err_map;}break;}// 根据寄存器值位宽和大小端解析寄存器值switch (config->val_bits) {case 16:switch (val_endian) {case REGMAP_ENDIAN_BIG:map->format.format_val = regmap_format_16_be;map->format.parse_val = regmap_parse_16_be;map->format.parse_inplace = regmap_parse_16_be_inplace;break;case REGMAP_ENDIAN_LITTLE:map->format.format_val = regmap_format_16_le;map->format.parse_val = regmap_parse_16_le;map->format.parse_inplace = regmap_parse_16_le_inplace;break;case REGMAP_ENDIAN_NATIVE:map->format.format_val = regmap_format_16_native;map->format.parse_val = regmap_parse_16_native;break;default:goto err_map;}break;}/* 对于val_bits = 16,reg_bits=16,regmap写函数选择_regmap_bus_raw_write */if (map->format.format_write) {map->defer_caching = false;map->reg_write = _regmap_bus_formatted_write;} else if (map->format.format_val) {map->defer_caching = true;map->reg_write = _regmap_bus_raw_write;}// 缓存初始化ret = regcache_init(map, config);



// drivers/base/regmap/regmap-i2c.cstruct regmap *regmap_init_i2c(struct i2c_client *i2c,const struct regmap_config *config)
{// regmap_bus 定位了对应总线的读写函数。const struct regmap_bus *bus = regmap_get_i2c_bus(i2c, config);if (IS_ERR(bus))return ERR_CAST(bus);return regmap_init(&i2c->dev, bus, &i2c->dev, config);


  • struct regmap_bus *bus
  • struct regmap *regmap_init_i2c(..



// drivers/base/regmap/regmap-i2c.c
static const struct regmap_bus *regmap_get_i2c_bus(struct i2c_client *i2c,const struct regmap_config *config)
{if (i2c_check_functionality(i2c->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C))return &regmap_i2c;// ...return ERR_PTR(-ENOTSUPP);
}static struct regmap_bus regmap_i2c = {.write = regmap_i2c_write,.gather_write = regmap_i2c_gather_write,.read = regmap_i2c_read,.reg_format_endian_default = REGMAP_ENDIAN_BIG,.val_format_endian_default = REGMAP_ENDIAN_BIG,



/*** struct regmap_bus - Description of a hardware bus for the register map*                     infrastructure.** @fast_io: Register IO is fast. Use a spinlock instead of a mutex*       to perform locking. This field is ignored if custom lock/unlock*       functions are used (see fields lock/unlock of*       struct regmap_config).* @write: Write operation.* @gather_write: Write operation with split register/value, return -ENOTSUPP*                if not implemented  on a given device.* @async_write: Write operation which completes asynchronously, optional and*               must serialise with respect to non-async I/O.* @reg_write: Write a single register value to the given register address. This*             write operation has to complete when returning from the function.* @reg_update_bits: Update bits operation to be used against volatile*                   registers, intended for devices supporting some mechanism*                   for setting clearing bits without having to*                   read/modify/write.* @read: Read operation.  Data is returned in the buffer used to transmit*         data.* @reg_read: Read a single register value from a given register address.* @free_context: Free context.* @async_alloc: Allocate a regmap_async() structure.* @read_flag_mask: Mask to be set in the top byte of the register when doing*                  a read.* @reg_format_endian_default: Default endianness for formatted register*     addresses. Used when the regmap_config specifies DEFAULT. If this is*     DEFAULT, BIG is assumed.* @val_format_endian_default: Default endianness for formatted register*     values. Used when the regmap_config specifies DEFAULT. If this is*     DEFAULT, BIG is assumed.* @max_raw_read: Max raw read size that can be used on the bus.* @max_raw_write: Max raw write size that can be used on the bus.*/
struct regmap_bus {bool fast_io;regmap_hw_write write;regmap_hw_gather_write gather_write;regmap_hw_async_write async_write;regmap_hw_reg_write reg_write;regmap_hw_reg_update_bits reg_update_bits;regmap_hw_read read;regmap_hw_reg_read reg_read;regmap_hw_free_context free_context;regmap_hw_async_alloc async_alloc;u8 read_flag_mask;enum regmap_endian reg_format_endian_default;enum regmap_endian val_format_endian_default;size_t max_raw_read;size_t max_raw_write;


regmap APIs

struct regmap * devm_regmap_init_spi(struct spi_device *spi, const struct regmap_config)。


struct regmap * devm_regmap_init_i2c(struct i2c_client *i2c, const struct regmap_config)。


int regmap_write(struct regmap *map, unsigned int reg, unsigned int val)。

int regmap_read(struct regmap *map, unsigned int reg, unsigned int *val)。




之后,如果在regmap_config中设置了writeable_reg回调,那么将调用该回调。如果该回调返回 "true",则进行进一步操作;如果它返回 "false",则返回错误-EIO。这个步骤只有在设置了writeable_reg的情况下才会执行。




然后,它将检查readable_reg回调是否被设置。如果是,则调用该回调,如果该回调返回'false',则读取操作被终止,返回-EIO错误。如果这个回调返回 "true",那么进一步的操作将被执行。



  • 8位寄存器地址
  • 8位寄存器值
  • 0x80作为写入掩码
  • 它是一个快速I/O设备,所以应该使用自旋锁
  • 有效的地址范围。
    1. 0x20到0x4F
    2. 0x60到0x7F
//include other include files
#include <linux/regmap.h>static struct custom_drv_private_struct
{//other fields relevant to devicestruct regmap *map;
};static const struct regmap_range wr_rd_range[] = 
{{.range_min = 0x20,.range_max = 0x4F,}, {.range_min = 0x60,.range_max = 0x7F},
struct regmap_access_table drv_wr_table = 
{.yes_ranges =   wr_rd_range,
.n_yes_ranges = ARRAY_SIZE(wr_rd_range),
};struct regmap_access_table drv_rd_table = 
{.yes_ranges =   wr_rd_range,.n_yes_ranges = ARRAY_SIZE(wr_rd_range),
};static bool writeable_reg(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg)
{if(reg >= 0x20 && reg <= 0x4F)return true;if(reg >= 0x60 && reg <= 0x7F)return true;return false;
}static bool readable_reg(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg)
{if(reg >= 0x20 && reg <= 0x4F)return true;if(reg >= 0x60 && reg <= 0x7F)return true;return false;
static int custom_drv_probe(struct spi_device *dev)
{struct regmap_config config;struct custom_drv_private_struct *priv;unsigned int data; //configure the regmap configurationmemset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));config.reg_bits = 8;config.val_bits = 8;config.write_flag_mask = 0x80;config.max_register = 0x80;config.fast_io = true;config.writeable_reg = drv_writeable_reg;config.readable_reg = drv_readable_reg;//only set below two things if  //writeable_reg//and readable_reg is not set//config.wr_table = drv_wr_table;//config.rd_table = drv_rd_table;//allocate the private data structures as//priv = devm_kzalloc //Init the regmap spi configurationpriv->map = devm_regmap_init_spi(dev,             &config); //devm_regmap_init_i2c in case of i2c bus 
//following operation will remain same in
//case of both i2c and spi or other bus            
//read from the device, data variable will //contain device data
regmap_read(priv->map, 0x23, &data); 
data = 0x24;
//write to the device
regmap_write(priv->map, 0x23, data); 
if(regmap_read(priv->map, 0x85, &data)
< 0){///error since address is out of range} return 0;



  • rbtree将连续的寄存器块存储在一个红/黑树中
  • 压缩存储压缩的数据块

enum regcache_type cache_type。


regmap_reg_write 0-001b reg=3b val=1a

regmap_reg_read 0-001b reg=1d val=1d








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大家好&#xff0c;欢迎来到停止重构的频道。上期我们讨论了视频的相关概念&#xff0c;本期我们讨论音频的相关概念。包括采样率、码率、单双声道、音频帧、编码格式等概念。这里先抛出一个关于无损音频的问题。为什么48KHz采样率的.mp3不是无损音乐 &#xff0c;而48KHz采样率…


目录一、单线程爬虫代码实现二、 多线程爬虫1、多线程的方法使用2、队列模块的使用3、多线程实现思路剖析4、代码实现**注意点&#xff1a;**三、多进程爬虫1、多进程程的方法使用2、多进程中队列的使用3 代码实现**小结**四、线程池实现爬虫1、线程池使用方法介绍2、使用线程池…


目录 一、前言 二、论文解读 1、DenseNet的优势 2、设计理念 3、网络结构 4、与其他算法进行对比 三、代码复现 1、使用Pytorch实现DenseNet 2、使用Tensorflow实现DenseNet网络 四、分析总结 一、前言 &#x1f368; 本文为&#x1f517;365天深度学习训练营 中的学习…


基于open scene graph的虚拟校园系统的设计与实现 摘要 •引言 • OSG基本原理 •OSG操作与动画 •视点的定位和切换 •自由漫游 •路径漫游 • 路径动画 • 点选和文字 • 粒子系统 • 3DMAX • 无线通信与数据库设计 • 实现步骤 • 结论 摘要 随着科技的不断发展,人工智能&a…

DO-254 和 DO-178B的区别(文末有易灵思核心板及配套下载线)

DO-178B介绍 DO-178B&#xff0c;机载系统和设备认证中的软件考虑&#xff0c;在电子硬件被要求符合 DO-254 之前多年就已发布和采纳。DO-178B 的先行一步对电子硬件开发带来两个特别的后果。首先&#xff0c;使得硬件制造商有了一种倾向&#xff0c;为了避免 DO-178B 对软件开…


这里写目录标题学习原因MySQL中explain的使用和用法解释explain的使用explain 运行结果的意义文字展示表格展示参考资料&#xff1a;结束语学习原因 在对sql的优化过程中使用了explain对指定的sql进行查看它的运行效果&#xff0c;以便找出sql的性能特点并进行优化 MySQL中ex…

Linux - POSIX信号量,基于环形队列的生产者消费者模型



1.前言 上一篇咱们了解了MySQL 的执行过程&#xff0c;其中设计连接器、分析器、优化器、执行器和存储引擎&#xff0c;接下来我将给大家讲解一下在MySQL中一条更新语句是如何执行。我相信大家可能听公司的DBA提起过&#xff0c;可以将数据恢复到半个月内任意时间的状态&#…


集合第七章:集合7.1 集合简介7.1.1 不可变集合继承图7.1.2 可变集合继承图7.2 数组7.2.1 不可变数组7.2.2 可变数组7.2.3 不可变数组与可变数组的转换7.2.4 多维数组7.3 列表 List7.3.1 不可变 List7.3.2 可变 ListBuffer7.4 Set 集合7.4.1 不可变 Set7.4.2 可变 mutable.Set7.…

Android system实战 — Android R(11) 进程保活白名单

Android system实战 — Android R 进程保活白名单0. 前言1. 具体实现1.1 准备工作1.2 源码实现1.2.1 源码1.2.2 diff文件0. 前言 最近在Android R上实现一些需求&#xff0c;进行记录一下&#xff0c;关于进程保活的基础知识可以参考Android system — 进程生命周期与ADJ&#…


文章目录前言介绍1. 路径规划在自动驾驶系统架构中的位置2. 全局路径规划的分类2.1 基础图搜索算法2.1.1 Dijkstra算法2.1.2 双向搜索算法2.1.3 Floyd算法2.2 启发式算法2.2.1 A*算法2.2.2 D*算法2.3 基于概率采样的算法2.3.1 概率路线图&#xff08;PRM&#xff09;2.3.2 快速…

