
news/2024/4/29 7:20:35/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_38068876/article/details/127938317


  • 【考研复试】计算机专业考研复试英语常见问题一(家庭/家乡/学校篇)
  • 【考研复试】计算机专业考研复试英语常见问题二(研究方向/前沿技术/本科毕设篇)
  • 【考研复试】计算机专业考研复试英语常见问题三(个人选择/学业规划篇)
  • 【考研复试】计算机专业考研复试英语常见问题四(优缺点/观点/观念篇)
  • 【考研复试】计算机专业考研复试英语常见问题五(兴趣爱好/实践经历篇)


  • 1.Why do you choose this university?(选择这个学校原因)
  • 2.Why do you choose pursue your study instead of finding a job?(为什么选择考研而不是就业?)
  • 3.Why do you choose Computer Software as your major?(为什么选择这个专业?)
  • 4.Do you have a study plan if you are accepted as postgraduate student in this major?(研究生期间学习计划?)
  • 5.What kind of job will you do after you graduate and why?(毕业后打算找什么工作及原因)
  • 6.If you fail this time, what will you do in the near future?(如果失败接下来做什么)
  • 7.Which research direction will you choose to study?(你会选择什么研究方向)
  • 8.Which kind of professor do you like best?(最喜欢什么类型的导师)


1.Why do you choose this university?(选择这个学校原因)


First, Beijing Jiaotong University has always been my dream. When I came here for the first time I was deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere. In addition, the university enjoys a good reputation in the field of computer science. Now I get the chance to pursue my study. I will try my best to make my dream come true.

2.Why do you choose pursue your study instead of finding a job?(为什么选择考研而不是就业?)


I have a great interest in my major, computer software, which is very practical and useful. Through four years’ study in university I find the knowledge I have mastered is not enough to solve some specific problems. So I decide to pursue my study and take the postgraduate entrance examination.

3.Why do you choose Computer Software as your major?(为什么选择这个专业?)


First, I have a great interest in my major, Computer Software, which is very practical and useful. Secondly, this major can make me earn a decent salary in the market. I will try my best to learn it well.

4.Do you have a study plan if you are accepted as postgraduate student in this major?(研究生期间学习计划?)


During the first year, I will study the basic courses carefully to prepare for doctorate degree, read a great number of documents and determine the research direction under the guidance of my tutor. During the second year, I will carry out project research seriously and strive to publish scientific research results. And the last year, I will finish graduation thesis carefully.

5.What kind of job will you do after you graduate and why?(毕业后打算找什么工作及原因)


Well, I want to be a college teacher. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books and gain deeper insight into the world. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. What’s more, being a teacher allows me to enjoy watching the progress of my students, which will bring a sense of achievement.

6.If you fail this time, what will you do in the near future?(如果失败接下来做什么)


I will continue to study for postgraduate entrance examination next year and I still choose DaLian Maritime University. Firstly, I have a great interest in my major, computer software, which is very practical and useful. Secondly, this university has always been my dream and I will try my best to make my dream come true.

7.Which research direction will you choose to study?(你会选择什么研究方向)


Well,as for research direction, I want to study Artificial Intelligence. Because during the period of new coronavirus pneumonia, Artificial Intelligence plays an important role in our society.For example, a mask recognition system can be designed by the face recognition technology, image processing, and so on, which can identify those who don’t wear masks.

8.Which kind of professor do you like best?(最喜欢什么类型的导师)


I like the professor who is keen on teaching and diligent in scientific research.





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