优化 | Management Science 7-8月文章精选: 信息系统中的运筹学

news/2024/5/14 20:49:39/文章来源:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37591666/article/details/126926338

作者:Evelyn Yao 清华大学本科在读

在“Management Science近期论文精选”中,我们有主题、有针对性地选择了Management Science中一些有趣的文章,不仅对文章的内容进行了概括与点评,而且也对文章的结构进行了梳理,旨在激发广大读者的阅读兴趣与探索热情。在本期“论文精选”中,我们以“信息系统”为主题,分别探究了“在线平台用户反馈”、“健康信息的交流对医疗质量和效率的影响”、“线上市场的雇佣选择”、“机器学习的算法透明化”和“专业房东在P2P市场上的作用”五方面主题,涉及线性优化、贝叶斯-纳什均衡理论、隐马尔可夫模型、条件逻辑模型、信号博弈等多项内容。



● 题目:The Square Root Agreement Rule for Incentivizing Truthful Feedback on Online Platforms


● 期刊:Management Science


● 作者:Vijay Kamble, Nihar Shah, David Marn, Abhay Parekh, Kannan Ramchandran

● 关键词:information systems: IT policy and management (信息系统:IT政策管理)• electronic commerce(电子商务) • information systems: systems analysis and design (信息系统:系统分析与设计)• systems design and implementation(系统设计与执行) • economics: game theory and bargaining theory(经济学:博弈论与协商理论)

● 摘要

A major challenge in obtaining evaluations of products or services on e-commerce platforms is eliciting informative responses in the absence of verifiability. This paper proposes the square root agreement rule (SRA): a simple reward mechanism that incentivizes truthful responses to objective evaluations on such platforms. In this mechanism, an agent gets a reward for an evaluation only if the answer matches that of a peer agent, where this reward is inversely proportional to a popularity index of the answer. This index is defined to be the square root of the empirical frequency at which any two agents performing the same evaluation agree on the particular answer across evaluations of similar entities operating on the platform. Rarely agreed-on answers thus earn a higher reward than answers for which agreements are relatively more common. We show that in the many tasks regime, the truthful equilibrium under SRA is strictly payoff-dominant across large classes of natural equilibria that could arise in these settings, thus increasing the likelihood of its adoption. Although there exist other mechanisms achieving such guarantees, they either impose additional assumptions on the response distribution that are not generally satisfied for objective evaluations or they incentivize truthful behavior only if each agent performs a prohibitively large number of evaluations and commits to using the same strategy for each evaluation. SRA is the first known incentive mechanism satisfying such guarantees without imposing any such requirements. Moreover, our empirical findings demonstrate the robustness of the incentive properties of SRA in the presence of mild subjectivity or observational biases in the responses. These properties make SRA uniquely attractive for administering reward-based incentive schemes (e.g., rebates, discounts, reputation scores, etc.) on online platforms.


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● 题目:The Effects of Health Information Exchange Access on Healthcare Quality and Efficiency: An Empirical Investigation


● 期刊:Management Science


● 作者:Ramkumar Janakiraman, Eunho Park,b Emre M.Demirezen, Subodha Kumard

● 关键词:healthcare management(医疗管理) • health information exchange (HIE) (健康资讯交流)• healthcare and IT (医疗与计算机技术)• readmission (重新入院)• length of stay (治疗时间)• health information technology(健康资讯科技)

● 摘要

Health information exchanges (HIEs) are designed to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare by facilitating improved information sharing between health entities. This study systematically examines the impact of HIE use in emergency departments (EDs) on the quality and efficiency of medical care. We focus on the length of stay (LOS) and the 30-day readmission rate to capture healthcare efficiency and quality, respectively. We also examine whether the breadth of patient health information and physicians’ experience with the HIE moderates these effects. We leverage a unique panel data that tracks actual HIE access by physicians who practice in a set of hospitals that participate in the focal HIE. The patient-level encounter data set—which involves more than 80,000 ED encounters attended by more than 300 physicians over a 19-month period—comprises detailed medical provider information, patient-level medical information, and various other information related to procedures that were performed. After controlling for a battery of patient-specific, physician-specific, disease-specific, and ED visit-specific variables, our results show that HIE access in information-intensive environments (such as EDs) reduces LOS and 30-day readmission rate. We find that breadth of patient health information and physicians’ HIE experience amplify these benefits. We account for endogeneity issues and perform additional falsification tests and robustness checks. We document that benefits of HIE access are amplified for noninjury, chronic condition, and uncommon diagnoses related patient visits. Based on our results, we offer insights to practitioners and academicians alike on how HIEs can yield better patient-level and provider-level outcomes.


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● 题目:Learning to Successfully Hire in Online Labor Markets


● 期刊:Management Science


● 作者:Marios Kokkodis, Sam Ransbotham

● 关键词:employer evolution (雇主的演变)• successful hiring choices(成功的雇佣选择) • online labor markets (线上劳动力市场)• empirical analysis(经验分析法)

● 摘要

Hiring in online labor markets involves considerable uncertainty: which hiring choices are more likely to yield successful outcomes and how do employers adjust their hiring behaviors to make such choices? We argue that employers will initially explore the value of available information. When employers observe successful outcomes, they will keep reinforcing their hiring strategies; but when the outcomes are unsuccessful, employers will adjust their hiring behaviors. To investigate these dynamics, we propose a two-component framework that links hiring choices with task outcomes. The framework’s first component, a Hidden Markov Model, captures how employers transition from unsuccessful to successful hiring decisions. The framework’s second component, a conditional logit model, estimates employer hiring choices. Analysis of 238,364 hiring decisions from a large online labor market shows that, often, employers initially explore cheaper contractors with a lower reputation. When these options result in unsuccessful outcomes, employers learn and adjust their hiring behaviors to rely more on reputable contractors who are not as cheap. Such hiring tends to be successful, guiding employers to reinforce their hiring processes. As a result, the market observes employers transition from cheaper, lower-reputation options with poorer performance to more expensive reputable options with better performance. We attribute part of this behavior to employer confidence and risk attitude, which can change over time. This work is the first to investigate how employers learn to make successful hiring choices in online labor markets. As a result, it provides platform managers with new knowledge and analytics tools to target employer interventions.


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● 题目:Algorithmic Transparency with Strategic Users


● 期刊:Management Science


● 作者:Qiaochu Wang, Yan Huang, Stefanus Jasin, Param Vir Singh

● 关键词:algorithmic transparency(算法透明度) • game theory(博弈论) • machine learning(机器学习) • strategic classification(战略分类) • signaling game(信号博弈)

● 摘要

Should firms that apply machine learning algorithms in their decision making make their algorithms transparent to the users they affect? Despite the growing calls for algorithmic transparency, most firms keep their algorithms opaque, citing potential gaming by users that may negatively affect the algorithm’s predictive power. In this paper, we develop an analytical model to compare firm and user surplus with and without algorithmic transparency in the presence of strategic users and present novel insights. We identify a broad set of conditions under which making the algorithm transparent actually benefits the firm. We show that, in some cases, even the predictive power of the algorithm can increase if the firm makes the algorithm transparent. By contrast, users may not always be better off under algorithmic transparency. These results hold even when the predictive power of the opaque algorithm comes largely from correlational features and the cost for users to improve them is minimal. We show that these insights are robust under several extensions of the main model. Overall, our results show that firms should not always view manipulation by users as bad. Rather, they should use algorithmic transparency as a lever to motivate users to invest in more desirable features.


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● 题目:Regulating Professional Players in Peer-to-Peer Markets: Evidence from Airbnb


● 期刊:Management Science


● 作者:Wei Chen, Zaiyan Wei, Karen Xie

● 关键词:peer-to-peer markets (P2P市场)• professional players (职业选手)• competition (竞争)• differentiation (差异化)• platform economics (平台经济)• Airbnb(爱彼迎)

● 摘要

We study professional players and their roles in peer-to-peer (P2P) markets. Most notably, P2P home-sharing platforms (e.g., Airbnb) consist of both professional hosts and nonprofessional individual hosts. What are the roles of the professionals? Should home-sharing platforms regulate their participation? Professional hosts may primarily offer properties that nonprofessional hosts would not supply and attract more guests—the differentiation effect. Or they may mostly supply similar properties and compete with the nonprofessionals—the competition effect. Using a unique data set of Airbnb listings, we first find that professional hosts’ properties are more expensive and have superior characteristics than nonprofessionals’. Second, we capitalize on a quasi-experiment in which Airbnb capped the number of properties a host can manage in several cities in the United States to determine the roles of professional hosts. With different predictions (about the policy impacts) under the differentiation versus competition effects, we find evidence suggesting the dominance of the latter. In particular, the policy increased the supply from nonprofessional hosts, and the price level of nonprofessional properties as a group went up after the policy. However, our findings of heterogeneity in policy impacts suggest that the dominance of competition is less prominent in certain markets. Finally, we find that the platform was not worse off in attracting reservations or securing revenue after the policy. Our findings contribute to both theory and practice as they reveal the roles of professional players and how P2P platforms can manage their participation.


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非零基础自学Java (老师:韩顺平) 第13章 常用类 13.5 StringBuffer类

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